Special Meeting of the Board of Directors Pet Rule Reversal
Monday June 29, 2020 Virtual (Webinar/Phone) Minutes
Greg Farmer, President Don Renoe, Vice President Charlie Leahy, Treasurer
John Boudin, Director Bob Mosley, Director Charles Hare, Director
Also Present: Ed Vitrano, General Manager Jennifer Miranda, Resort Services Manager & Executive Assistant to the Board & General Manager Kurtis Peterson, The Inspectors of Election
Sheila, The Inspectors of Election Michelle, The Inspectors of Election Jan, Then Inspectors of Election 43 Participants via Webinar
Call to Order
Meeting called to order by President Greg Farmer at 10:00 am PT.
Presidents Report
President Farmer stated that the primary reason for this meeting is to count votes regarding a rule reversal petition. He gave a brief history of the Pet Rule adoption and ultimately how we arrived where we are today, with the Special meeting because of a Petition of the Members to overturn the Pet rule. He announced that The Inspectors of Election confirmed they have received 790 ballots. President Farmer announced at 10:06 am that the balloting box is closed.
Open Forum
Director Boudin – Questions regarding ballot counting process GM Vitrano spoke about the ballot counting process and why we are not permitted to conduct an online vote per California Civil Code.
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