August 13 2020- Director's Report

Membership Survey Report Outdoor Resort Palm Springs May 2020

Question 4. The following are Outdoor Resort’s Vision Statement, Mission Statement and Core Values:

Vision Statement: We strive to be a Premier RV Resort with excellent facilities, activities and amenities, creating a positive social culture for all.

Mission Statement: To enhance quality of life and foster a sense of community while maintaining excellent services through financially stable operations.

Core Values: Integrity. Innovation. Mutual Respect. Community Participation and Cooperation. Inclusivity.

A. Please indicate your satisfaction with the Vision Statement, Mission Statement and Core Values:

Statement Satisfaction


Very Satisfied








Very Dissatisfied


Overall, 81% of respondents are satisfied or very satisfied with the Vision Statement, Mission Statement and Core Values and only 6% are dissatisfied or very dissatisfied.

B. Please provide any comments you have regarding Outdoor Resort’s Vision Statement, Mission Statement or Core Values or any suggestions you have as to how they could be improved: Among the comments found in the Written Comments section of this report include: • Badly need a dog area. The dogs are ruining the landscaping. • This is the first I've seen this. Need more visibility of it. I don't see a lot of mutual respect and consistent application of rules. • Overall, the Resort is above the norm. But, to state that it is a 5 Star facility is wishful thinking. • I think we have met and continue to meet those goals. It is important to keep the balance between the value of the amenities and the cost of those amenities so we don’t price ourselves out of the very people we wish to serve. • There seems to be more talk about wording and a lack of action on the items that are needed to make the vision possible. • As far as "words" go, these are good statements. But whether we are actually striving to achieve the meaning behind these statements is questionable. • You are on the right track and it will take time.


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