I have known Pat since my initial breast cancer diagnosis in 1990. He has been my surgeon five times and has always astonished me with his level of personal care. I have been through five types of chemotherapy plus radiation and when hope was all but gone, Pat found an experimental program for which I was a fit and has kept me alive for over 12 years. It never would have been available were it not for Pat’s concern. which extended far beyond the O.R. Through the years I have referred seven other women to him and each has agreed that Pat’s passion for his patients and their care makes each of us feel as if we are the only one who has been diagnosed with this devastating disease. SANDRA VAN DEN BROEK JACKIE BELLIS As the daughter of a breast cancer survivor, I will be forever grateful for Dr. Borgen’s unimaginable level of care while treating my mother. Over the last 30+ years, he has repeatedly gone out of his way to ensure that my mother has had access to the highest quality of surgical options and even encouraged non-traditional supportive care like acupuncture. He has been an essential part of keeping my mother alive well beyond anyone’s expectations an our family will be forever indebted to him.

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