Ornesha Watson I am walking in this show as a representation of what living life fully and beautifully after cancer looks like!

Katherine Dillon I am walking because I choose to live my best life, to turn lemons to lemonade, to heal, to help, and to bring joy.

Tatsiana Fiodarava I am walking the Pink Runway to thank the people who helped me fight cancer. I want to thank Dr. Andaz, Dr. Burdette, Dr. Gallant, Dr. Cohen, Dr. Alagkiozidis as well as Coordinator Viki Plat, Physician Assistant Yan Pronin and Launda Bernard. It is because of these professionals that I was able to complete the treatment without fear. Erlinda Tanhueco I am so thankful to God, and my family for helping me through my treatment. I want to send a special thank you to the breast cancer team at Maimonides hospital. Everyone has been so great, and I pray that you continue to be safe and healthy. May you continue to bless others as you have blessed me.

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