But if you look carefully at the paper there were a couple of people who were left out of the study. So they were treated with hydroxychloroquine, but they were not shown in the end results of the paper. All six people who were treated with the drug combination were clearing the virus within six days, but there were a couple of others who were left out of the study. They also started the drug combination, but they stopped taking the drugs for several reasons and three of them were admitted to the intensive care, one died, one had some side effects and one apparently walked out of the hospital. They were left out of the study but they were actually not doing very well with the drug combination. It’s not very good science if you leave out people who don’t do very well with your drug combination in your study. That was one of my big- gest critiques of the paper. What struck us about that case was, in addition to what you, of course, mentioned, the fact that Trump tweeted it and was talking about hydroxychloroquine, was that it seemed to be a perfect example of, “well, it was in a peer review journal.” Yeah, it was a preprint first, but, well, it’s a peer review jour- nal. And yet, as you point out, when you look at the history of the paper, it was accepted in 24 hours. If you talk to most scientists, the actual act of a peer review, once you sit down to do it and can concentrate, a good one takes, again, these are averages, but four hours, a half a day is not unreasonable. So you had to find three people who could suddenly review this paper. As you pointed out, it was in a journal where one of the authors was editor. Then some strange things also happened, right? The soci- ety that actually publishes the journal, they came out with a statement saying this wasn’t up to our standards, which is odd. Then Elsevier came in, they’re the ones who are actually contracted to publish the journal for the society. They said, basically, “Oh, we’re going to look into this now too.” It just makes you wonder what happened before the paper was actually published. All the people who were supposed to have been involved in doing the peer review or checking on it are clearly very distraught about what actually happened. It’s that scene from Casablanca, “I’m shocked, shocked there’s gambling going on here.” And then, “Your winnings, sir.”
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