Left: on site workshop and a variety of hand-held tools and jewelry bench equipment Right: de Boulle Master Jeweler Tony Hoang & hand-made turquoise ring
Hoang is a master jeweler who prides himself on creating pieces by hand, despite today’s technological advances.
made pieces. Diamond-set- ting? By hand. Finishing? By hand. Polishing? All by hand. Hoang works to do justice to each design, ulti- mately creating a master- piece to become loved for this generation and genera- tions to follow. Hoang can also repair or adjust any of the pieces de Boulle offers, from the simplest to the most complex, worth mil- lions of dollars. Indulge your creative side and have de Boulle craft a truly unique and exception- al piece of jewelry — the
jewelry of your dreams. From a beautiful engage- ment ring to a special wed- ding band to a statement piece worthy of a red carpet, de Boulle is your source for exquisite custom jewelry. Fine craftsmanship and our exceptional service remain the core values of de Boul- le, for more than 35 years — and our dedication to that craftsmanship is at the forefront of what we do. It’s what makes a custom piece from de Boulle so special. Contact us or visit, anytime, to explore. The possibilities are limitless.
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