King's Business - 1916-04



The most vital truth about it is covered by the terms inspiration and infallibility, and in virtue o f this truth it is indispen­ sable and authoritative to the mind o f every age.” There is much more to the same effect in Denney’s article, but that will show you what I mean by truth in its real­ ity. j Secondly: Truth in-its uniqueness. You can test the work o f the Holy Spirit in regard to the Bible very simply. Take'the writings o f 50 to 100 A. D. Then take the writings from 100 to 150 A. D. Compare them, and, as it has been well said, between the New Testament w ritings'of 50 to 100 A. D., and the post-apostolic writings o f 100 to 150 A. D., .there is a chasnt, “ sheer, deep, and abysmal.” The finest writings o f the-second century cannot compare with the writings o f the first century. When the Christian faith was settling itself in the world, the Holy Ghost was working in a -unique manner. He was at work as the Spirit o f inspiration. But from 100 to 150 A. D. we do not have inspiration; only illumination. From that time forward, and ever since, there has Been constant illumi­ nation, but no new revelation. John Robin­ son o f Leyden said: “ The Lord hath’ yet more light and truth to break forth from His Word.” Yes, but it is from His Word. W e have not reached the end o f it yet, but there it is, ready for the Holy Spirit to illuminate its,.pages. Thirdly: Truth in its unity. There is a wonderful unity o f truth in the Bfible, from Genesis to Revelation. Some years ago in the course o f construction o f a tunnel in London, ?five shafts were sunk, an ten sets of men worked in opposite direc­ tions. Two other sets worked with the ten, and' ultimately the twelve sets met, in one place, at a depth o f one hundred feet. They were working practically in the dark, but they fitted so well together when the tunnel was complete, that every one could see that there was a master mind whp had planned the whole thing. And so the various writers of the Old and New Testa­ ments were working separately, as it were in a tunnel, in the dark; and St. Peter tells

three men more than any others who con­ firmed me in this view o f inspiration, were W estcott, Lightfoot, and Vaughan. Their exegesis impressed me with the conviction that there

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