King's Business - 1916-04



Neither passage forbids women under all circumstances to speak or pray in public gatherings o f believers. Every passage in the Bible should be taken in its context. The context o f 1 Cor. 14:34 clearly shows that disorder had arisen in the churches in Corinth, women were interrupting the serv­ ices, and there were other forms o f con­ fusion, and the women (married women in particular, as the context shows and as the word itself might indicate) were com­ manded not to interrupt the service, but to keep silence, and if they- had any ques­ tions to-ask, to ask them o f their own hus­ bands at homd. And furthermore, they were not to talk (this is the exact force o f the word translated “ speak” ) while the service was going on. In other words, everything must be done decently and in order. Paul himself believed that a woman could prophesy in church if the Spirit of God thus led her, and pray, as is "clearly indi­ cated by the fact that he gives instructions as to just how she should do it in this same epistle; eleventh chapter, fifth verse. In regard to 1 Tim. 2:12, this passage clearly teaches that a woman should not occupy the position of the authoritative teacher in the church and have dominion over a man. It has nothing to do with merely testifying or praying in a public gathering o f believers. the Preacher If the whole world followed you— followed to the letter— Would it be a nobler world, All deceit and falsehood hurled From it altogether; Malice, selfishness, and lust Banished from beneath the crust Covering'human hearts from view—* Tell me, if it followed you, Would the world be better? The British Weekly.

tice for anybody. Funny stories are very likely to run over into foolish stories, and quite likely to run over into unclean stories. They have proven a snare to many a Christian, especially to many a minister.. There is nothing more unfortunate that can happen to a minister than to get a rep­ utation o f being a funny man, so that people always expect him to say something funny. After while he is never taken seri­ ously about anything. Foolishness and fool­ ish talking and jesting are not befitting a person who is redeemed by the blood, who is living for-the salvation o f souls. The thing that is befitting is giving o f thanks (Eph. 5:4). As to the comic songs, any one who has a good voice to sing has received a very sacred gift from God, and his voice should belong to God, and when he ,is called upon to sing it gives him a rare opportunity for singing the gospel, and singing to the glory o f God. O f course, a Christian is not under law in this any more than in other matters, but there is far more probability of his erring on the side of- being too-Tunny than ori the side o f not being funny at all.. “In these days when women have equal educational advantages, is it wrong for women to - speak or pray in churches? Do i Cor. 14 : 34 ; 1 Tim. ^ : 12 forbid them to do So?” A Question for Were the whole world good as you—-not an atom better— Were it just as pure and true, Just as pure and true as yofi; Just as strong in faith and works ; Just as free from crafty quirksj All extortion, all deceit; Schemes its neighbors to defeat; Schemes its neighbors to defraud; Schemes ,some culprit to applaud—■ r; Would this world be better? ----------— O

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