King's Business - 1916-04



WORK IN THE SHOPS David Cant, Supt.

A NOTHER month o f plowing and sow­ ing; some trodden down by the way- side, some upon the rocks, some among thorns, but, praise God, some upon good ground where it shall bear fruit an hun­ dred fold, for even what appears to our poor natural sight most unlikely soil often proves fertile ground. W e had asked that morning for deeper

not He who fought for us greater than he who was against us? A fter the smoke had cleared away, the noise and clash sub­ sided, we discovered two fine specimens of men deeply under conviction, and only waiting for the Spirit o f God to bring to the birth. Will you who read these lines just pause here, lifting your hearts to Him who always hears prayer in that Name

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which God loves to honor, that these men may be able to stand in the evil day, saved by the blood o f Jesus? W e would like to sound a note o f praise for new doors opening before us for the telling o f the old love story. The grow­ ing conviction prevalent among God’s children o f the imminency o f the day approaching is bringing with it a trimming o f lamps, and as we hear the clash of arms in the great European struggle, the distress world-wide in its scope, the per­ plexity o f nations, the hearts o f men fail­ ing them for fear, thrones tottering and apostasy spreading with such startling rapidity, we pray for strength and grace to

faith, ere starting forth. W e knew there was nothing amiss with the seed, for was it n ot the finest o f the wheat, and the old corn o f the land, for sinner and saint? Had it not been watered with tears and with much prayer? But talk about rocks, it certainly looked like Gibraltar—to the natural sense. But we are slowly learning that the harder the atmosphere and the more antagonistic the human heart, the stronger the proof that this is where Satan has his seat, and the Stronger Man is working to spoil the strong man’s palace. A great block o f lethargy and resentment confronted us, but in His might we Were not afraid o f the giants in our path. Was

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