King's Business - 1916-04



greatly need to lay to heart, not only in these, times, o f stress and sorrow, but at all times : ‘ What we need for our comfort and good hope, as we face the New Year, is a vision o f the New Testament Christ. The Apostles speak o f Christ, not so much as Comrade, Friend, and Brother, but as Ford. To them He is thè mighty Son o f God, demonstrated to be the Son of God with power by the Resurrection from the dead. To St. Paul, for instance, He is not the gentle, gracious Man o f our modern speech and thought ; He is the exalted, glorified, and triumphant Lord. It is back to that conception ó f Christ we must come. Our conception o f Christ determines our out­ look on the world. Dr Dale, in an auto­ biographical passage, says that, in a time of great physical weakness, he sought com­ fort in the thought that Christ was his Brother. But, somehow, that did not help him very much. He felt he .needed some­ thing more bracing. Then he turned to the thought -that Christ was Lord, and on that thought he was able to rest. There is no coin fort for us just now, amid the shock and crash o f worUs, in the thought — — :-----O ing his personal prayers for the mover ment, is o f so great importance that we present , it to our readers.- The call is signed by four native Chinese workers, Lau Tung Shaang, Tse Yan Luk, Liu Tak Shaan, Lau Sam Tsz, Ng Tsz Kwan (chairman), and by R. E. Chambers, Amer­ ican Southern Baptist Mission,; W . D. Boyes, American Presbyterian Mission; G. E. Lerrigo, Y. M. C. A .; Elizabeth Ward, United Brethren Mission; E. L. Havers, Church Missionary Society ; W. W. Clay- son, London Missionary Society (secre­ tary). The call follows: “ Owing to a growing desire on all sides for a deeper fellowship in prayer and co-operation in the work of Evangelization, it has been arranged that there should be a Province-wide Evangelistic Campaign in the Province o f Kwong Tung during the coming eighteen months. The first part o f the time to be used in intensive work 'T 'H E following request for prayer, which was sent to one” o f the editors, solicit­

that Christ is our brother, a man like our­ selves ; but there is tonic and strength in the remembrance that Christ is Lord. That is the vision o f the Christ on the Throne, waiting for the overthrow o f all His ene­ mies. T o see Christ on the Throne, is to say good-bye to doubt and fear. $To see Christ there, is to know that not all thé powers o f the world can carry evil to vic­ tory. To see Christ there, is to know the secret—even amid reactions and delaps and disappointments—of the quiet heart.* ‘Lift up your-hearts! W e lift them up unto the Lord.’ ” It is difficult for Christians in America who are not intimately associated with Christians in England, to realize what this war means to our brethren in that land. Perhaps these letters will make the sor­ rows and trials through which our breth­ ren are passing, more real to them, and enable us to pray more intelligently for them. These, indeed are days in which believers need to bear one another’s bur­ dens and so fulfill the law o f Christ. ASK PRAYERS amongst those already gathered into the Churches, and the latter part to be used in reaching out to the great unreached masses o f educated and un-educated heathen all over the province. Feeling the importance o f this work and the need o f a large band o f those,, who will help by prayer, the Committee o f the Province-Wide Evangelistic Campaign have decided to issue a call for prayer to the members o f the different churches in the Home countries. We would invite you to pray daily for: (a) A revival amongs those already called' Christian, that they may bear'such a clear witness , to the non-Christians, around- as shall result in a great ingathering o f the heathen when the campaign starts among them, (b ) That those who become leaders o f prayer meetings and Bible Study Bands may be endued with power from on High, that they may be able to train those, who shall in time become leaders o f others, (c ) That every branch o f the Christian Church may feel its responsibility in tak­ ing its rightful share in this great enter-, prise. Feeling assured that this ‘call’ will not be -sent m vain, we iss'ue it in faith ana hope.”


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