King's Business - 1916-04




Splendid Reports from All Departments Characterize the Annual Meeting of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Election of Officers

T HE anniversary of- the inauguration of the magnificent Bible Institute o f Los Angeles, was celebrated at the annual meet­ ing on Thursday, when the institution was shown to be accomplishing satisfactorily the work: it set out to do—the results being even greater than anticipated at so early a date. The directors elected were as follow s: Lyman Stewart, president; Dr. R. A. Tor- rey, vice-president; Leon V. Shaw, treas­ urer; William Thorn, secretary; T. C. Horton, superintendent; Dr. William Ev­ ans, E. A. K. Hackett, Giles Kellogg, J. M.-Irvine, Nathan Newby, H. A. Getz. ,The institution was reported by Treas­ urer Shaw to be in excellent financial con­ dition, with the bonded indebtedness on the buildings ip satisfactory shape. It is the expectatipn that money will be available in the near future for the cancellation o f all •bonds as they mature. An annuity plan has been inaugurated, such as is being used extensively in connection with colleges and other educational institutions throughout the country, from which it is hoped to realize a large sum in annuities. Superintendent Horton, in his annual ■report, shows an interesting fact in con­ nection with the 495 students enrolled in the free Bible Training School during the year. They came from thirty-five states and seventeen foreign countries, and from thirty different denominations.' These included Methodist, Lutheran, Baptist, Pres­ byterian, Congregational, Episcopal, Chris­ tian, and about every 6 ther one in the list, testifying strongly to'th e Institute’s claim "to being an interdenominational institution. Students of the school during the year did the following practical w ork : Open-air

meetings 106, mission meetings 256, shop meetings 26, children’s meetings 646, Bible Readings 506, Sunday school classes taught 3145, Bibles and -Testaments distributed 1313, tracts 53,797, hospital visits 616, other visits 4330. As a result, 1404 persons pro­ fessed conversion. In Ihe evangelistic department, consisting o f work at Los Angeles Harbor, in the shops, oil fields, among the Jews, among the Spanish, at Yokefellows’ Hall, by the Bible women and by the special personal workers, the total figures given by Supt. Horton are somewhat staggering. There were held 3476 indoor meetings with an attendance of 100,268 ; 826 outdoor meetings with an attendance o f 41,904; 698 Sunday school and Bible classes taught; 945 other religious services held; 16,466 personal interviews given, 1334 persons professed conversion; 17,200 visits made; 7945 copies of Scripture given away; 1761 personal let­ ters written; 104,293 tracts distributed; 2573 books given away; 15,476 free meals and 485 free beds given; work secured for fifty-three men. As a result o f ' the work done in the school and in all these various departments,, the Bible Institute now has thirty-two mis­ sionaries in the foreign field under the dif­ ferent denominational boards; eight o f its graduates are preachers, sixteen are in theological schools, and thirty-two more of its students have -volunteered for work in foreign lands. It-has called out an invest­ ment of over $ 1 , 000,000 to bring about this great result, but surely it has been worth while. The two thirteen-story hotels, the great auditorium and auxiliary halls, and club rooms are now marked by an •activity that is very encouraging to the directors.

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