King's Business - 1916-04


349 (5) Peter must learn that -the gate to glory is not by way o f Judaism. ( 6 ) God broke down the middle wall o f partition, like the veil in the temple, from the top to the bottom* (7) Heaven was opened to teach Peter one lesson. ( 8 ) Angels can bring messages to men, but only redeemed men can carry the Gospel. (9) The reputation o f a man is in the hands o f his servants. (10) Two miracles were wrought to. lead one man into the light.

(2) By the Jews, his enemies, 1 Tim. 3:7. (3) By the angel, Acts 10:4. What command did Peter obey in caring for the messengers ? Heb. 13:2 ; 1 Pet. 4 :9. PRACTICAL PO INTS (1) If Philip had not gone to Caesarea, we might not have heard o f Cornelius. (2) When prayers go up, and alms go out, blessings come down. (3) Prayers and alms do not suffice to sat­ isfy the hungry soul. (4) God .must prepare Peter to put away his perverse prejudice.

The Gospel for the Gentiles APR IL 23, 1916. LESSON IV. Acts 10:24-48. (Commit vs. 44, 45). G olden T e x t :

O f.a truth I perceive that God is tno respecter o f persons: but in every nation he that feareth Him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with Him.”—Acts 10:34, 35.

DA ILY BIBLE READINGS Mon., April 17—Acts 10:24-33. (The Lesson). Tues., April 18—Acts, 10:34-48. (The Lesson).

Wed., April 19—Isa. 49:6-12. Thurs., April 20—John 4:1-10. Fri., April 21—Rom. 2:6-16. Sat., April 22—Matt. 15:21-28. Sun., April 23—Eph. 3:1-11.


v. 24. “And (add, on) the morrow after (omit, after) they entered into Caesarea: And Cornelius waited (was waiting) for them, g and had ( having) called together his kinsmen and (add, his) near friends." Cornelius was eagerly waiting for the mes­ sage that should bring him salvation (cf. Acts 11:14). He calculated carefully when his messengers would ge£ back with Peter, and was waiting when they arrived. He was not content' to learn the way. o f life by himself alone. He wished all with whom he lived and all whom he could influ- énce to learn it with him, so he gathered together his kinsmen and near friends that they might hear together, with him these extremely important words that had power to save. How Cornelius puts to shame the

indifference o f many o f us today. v. 25. ‘1And as Peter was coming in (And when it came to pass that Peter entered), Cornelius.met him, and fell down at his feet and worshipped him.” While Cornelius was a man worthy o f study and in many respects worthy o f imitation, he had much to learn. He thought it . was right to worship men who were' especially used o f God, and he fell down to worship Peter. There are not a few today who are called Christians who are guilty o f a folly very closely akin to Cornelius. If any man is greatly used o f God to their Spiritual welfare they are ready to wor­ ship him. v. 26. “But Peter took ( raised ) him up,, saying, Stand by, I myself also am a man.”

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