King's Business - 1916-04



L e s s o n o u t l i n e

vants to heal the sick and cast out demons ? . T Cor. 12:8-11. What was the gospel which the witnesses were to preach? 1 Cor. 15:2-5. What position has God ordained for the glorified Christ? 2 Cor. 5:10; 2 Tim. 4:1-8; lJPet. 4:5. Are believers to be judged for sins? John 5:24; Rom. 8:1.. Are they to be judged for their works? 1 Cor. •3 :12-15. | (3 ) The Gentiles Baptized, vs. 44-48. How was Peter’s message received? Luke 8:15. How do we know? Acts 15:8, 9. Was this 'outpouring o f the Spirit the same as occurred to the Jews? Acts 2:1-4. Is every believer in this age born o f the Spirit? John 3:3-6j Is he indwelt by the Spirit? 1 Cor. 6:19. Is he baptized by "the Spirit? 1 Cor. 12:i3. Is he sealed by the Spirit? Eph. 1 :13, 14. Was water baptism a seal of the bap- PRACTICAL POINTS (1) Trust God to send the Word to men who want the truth. (2) Peter was no Pope, for he -would receive no worship. (3) God’s good servants go as soon as they are sent. (4) A prepared preacher; a prepared peo­ ple; an outpoured Spirit. (5) Peter had learned his lesson; God is no respecter of persons. Have you? ( 6 ) Peter’s eyes had been opened to: see; his heart opened to believe; now his mouth is' opened to God. (7) When all are present before-God to hear all things commanded' o f God, the almighty power of God will be manifest. - ( 8 ) The sermon was cut short by a blessed baptism. (9) Tongues testify to the glory o f God. , tism by the Spirit? Gal. 3:27.

(1 ) The Quest of Cornelius, vs. 24-33. How many brethren accompanied Peter? Acts 11:12. jf- y Is there any significance in the number seven? Rev. 1:4, 11, 12; 2 :1 ; 3:1. What is suggested by Cornelius calling together a company? Matt. 9:9, 10; John 4:28, 29. Who did receive worship from men? Mark 5 :6 ; John 9:38. If Peter was the first Pope, why did he not receive worship ? Luke 4 : 8 . What example did Paul and Silas give? A^cts 14:13, 15. How must worship be rendered? John 4:24. To what great truth did Peter testify concerning the Gentiles ? Acts 15:8, 9; Eph. 3:6, 7. O f what spirit had God taught Peter to beware? Luke 18:11. What great lesson can we all take from tins'? Rom. 12:3. Was Cornelius wise in immediately send­ ing for Peter? Eccl. 9:10. From whose lips might he have heard the Gospel before? Acts 8:40. (2 ) The Gospel for the Gentiles^ vs. 34-43. What great truth did Peter teach in his opening remarks? 2 Sam. 14:14; 2 Chron. 19:7; Job 37:24. Did he afterwards give emphasis to it? 1 Pet. 1:17. How did Paul stress this great truth ? Eph. 2:11; 6 :9 ; Col. 3:25r What is the foundation o f all wisdom ? Psa. 111:10. What was the basis o f Jesus’ preaching? Eph. 2:17. What is the great qualification for preach­ ing? Luke 4:18; Isa. 61:1. Does the Holy Spirit dwell within every believer ? 1 Cor. 6:19. Is every believer to go about doing good ? Gal. 6:10. Who leads the servants o f God into ser­ vice? Rom. 8:14. Does the Spirit give power ,to His ser­

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