King's Business - 1916-04



did the same. This was -just as it should be: as soon as we find Jesus we should go right off and bring some one else, and the best one to begin with is our ovlrn brother. Andrew did a great work in bringing his brother to Jesus, for it was this same brother who preached the great sermon on the Day o f Pentecost. As far as the record goes, Andrew never preached a sermon in his life, but if it had not been for his quiet, faithful, personal work we would not have had this wonderful sermon by Peter on the Day o f Pentecost. Andrew’s testimony was right to the point, “W e have found the Messiah.” It was his personal conversa­ tion with Jesus that had settled his mind on this point. It will settle it in any man’s mind. A season of. personal communion with Jesus is worth tons o f apologetic lit­ erature. -Andrew did not stop with giving his testimony, “ he brought him to Jesus.” Never stop short o f that. Jesus looked Simon through and through, He saw what he now was and said “ Thou art Simon the son o f John;,” but He saw more than that, He saw what he was to become and added, “ Thou shalt be called Cephas” (rockman). It was faith in Christ who was the Rock that was to transform ordinary Simon unto extraordinary Rock-man (1 Cor. 10:4; Matt. 16:16-18; 1 John 5:5). Monday, April 10 . John 1:43-51. Jesus “ findeth Philip”—He went to Galilee in part for that purpose. It was worth while. Short was the summons, “ Follow me.” Philip did not know all that involved, but he obeyed. The influence of -his townsmen, Andrew and Philip, may have had much to do with the prompt response. Philip was a student o f Old Testament Scripture and an exact man (v. 45; cf. ch. 6:7)-. He at once hunts up Nathaniel. Everybody in these verses who found Jesus seems to go at once after someone else. Nathaniel was decidedly skeptical about Jesus being the Christ, indeed, he did not think H e.cou ld even be arty gooji, coming from Nazareth.. .But Nathaniel was sincere arid when Philip

“What would Jesus do,” and try to imitate it. But it is by following that we demon­ strate that we really have looked and are saved (Mark 10:52; 1 John 2:6 ). John’s simple,) short, sincere testimony sent these two yourfg men to follow Jesus and thus turned the world upside down. Oh, the power of a" Holy Ghost testimony (cf. John 4:39). Saturday, April 8. John 1:38, 39 - From following Jesus, Andrew and John went on to abiding with Him. This is how it came about: As soon as they began to -follow, Jesus turned and'gazed at them as they followed. What a look it must have been, so penetrating, so full o f encour­ agement. One of them at least never for­ got it, the one who tells about it here. His story of it given here in the very phrase­ ology employed reproduces it. When Jesus had looked at them and into them, there comes a question as searching as the look, “What seek ye?” They did not clearly know themselves what they were seeking, but there were deep 'yearnings in their hearts that never had been satisfied, and He Was the Lamb o f God who would surely satisfy. They wanted 1 to know Him better, so they timidly asked, “Teacher, where do you live?” hardly daring to say bluntly, “we want to go to your school.” Men seek such various things when they start to follow Jesus, some, pardon for sin, others, healing for the body, others, loaves and fishes. Happy the man who seeks Jesus Himself. What are you seeking? Jesus’ reply went not merely to the heart o f the question, but to their hearts’ desire, “ Come, and ye shall see.” What a moment o f joy it was when, Jesus said that, and He is saying it today to every one who wishes to come to Him, “ Come,”’ He says (John 6:36; Rev. 22:1?; Matt. 11:28). Sunday, April 9. John 1:40-42. , No sooner had Andrew found Jesus than he started right off and found his own brother and brought him to Jesus. The clear implication o f the text is that John

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