King's Business - 1916-04



verse 11 our Lord brings out in a very forceful way the striking contrast between the ignorance o f Nicodemus and the abso­ lute knowledge which He possessed, and which those who were identified with him possessed. He and his ( “W e") spoke with thfe authority o f absolute knowledge. Only what they knew absolutely did they speak, and only o f things which they had actually seen, or o f which they had had personal experience, did they testify. His teaching and that o f those who were identified with him thus-differed widely from that o f Nic- odemus and the scribes (cf. Matt. 7:29). Thursday, April 20 . John 3 : 12 - 15 . Jesus answers Nicoderrius’ question as to how to be born again. When an Israelite was bitten by a.fiery serpent he had death in his veins, but when Moses had lifted up the serpent o f brass (Num. 21:6-9) made in the likeness o f the serpent that had bitten him (Rom. 8 :3 ; Gal. 3:13; 2 Cor. 5 :21) upon the pole, all the Israelite had to do was to believe in the power o f that serpent to heal, and to show his faith by just looking, as soon as he looked he had life instead o f death in his. veins. Just so Gpd has lifted up Jesus upon the ; cross (John 12:31, 32), we have death in us, but the moment we really look to Jesus, believe- on Him, life, spiritual life, takes the place o f death, we are born again , (cf. ch. 1 : 12 , 13). The whole, secret o f the New Birth lies in these three words “Lpok and live” John 3:16 has probably been used for the salvation o f 'more persons than àny other one verse in the Bible. It contains thé Gospel in a nut shell, (1) The Need o f sal­ vation—- shall not perish.” (2) The o*rigin o f salvation—God’s love, “ God so loved.” (3 ) The-ground o f salvation—th^- death o f Christ, ‘‘God gave His only begotten Son.” (4) The condition o f salyation—“ believeth on Him.” (5) The recipients o f salvation —“Whosoever believeth.” ( 6 ) The results o f salyation— (a ) Shall “not'perish.” (b ) (cf. 2 Cor, 5 :17). Friday, April 21 . ' John 3 : 16 - 18 .

unbelief into the dim light of a faith that is just dawning. All our Lord was saying was so diiferent from the mere outward religion o f forms and ceremonies in which Nicodemus ás a Pharisee had been trained that it was well-nigh impossible for him to grasp it, and yet his heart yearned for these deeper things, which he began to dimly see were set forth in the words of Jesus. He was beginning to believe that this wonderful change o f which Jesus spoke could be, but "How” could it be? Before explaining to Nicodemus the method o f the New Birth the Lord gently, but very searchingly, reproves Nicodemus for his unnecessary and inexcusable ignorance. 'Nicodemus exercised the office of a relig­ ious “teacher” and a “teacher of Israel” at that; indeed he was in—the forefront of .teachers, “ the teacher” (R. V .),, he had assumed to approach Jesus as the repre­ sentative o f his class (v. 2 ), and yet he did not understand anything so elementary and earthly as the New Birth. Nicodemus had expressed wonder at. the teaching of -Jesus and now Jesus expresses wonder at the spiritual dullness and blindness o f Nic­ odemus, and. at his ignorance o f the Scrip­ tures which he assumed to teach. Has not- our Lord just as great occason to be sur­ prised at the blindness and ignorafice of the Scriptures on the part o f many who occupy the position o f authoritative Chris­ tian teachers today? There are many “great scholars” today, great theological scholars at that, who do. not understand the very truth that Jesus was seeking to teach Nic­ odemus here. Some one has well said,-“ If modern Nicodemuses ceased attempting to teach until they themselves were taught, how many desks would be vacant!” Many a man has taught theology all his life with­ out finding out some o f the most elementary truths o f the Bible..,Nicodemus might well have understood the things our Lord was saying to him; for there were passages in the Old Testament, o f which he was sup­ posed to be a teacher, which set forth witji much clearness this- truth o f the New Birth .(Ezek. 36:25-27; Jer. 31:33). In

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