King's Business - 1916-04



there are two things iShe needs to know: i (1) The wondrous “gift o f God,” i. e„ the Holy Spirit (cf. v. 14; ch. 7 :37-39J Luke 11:13; Acts 2:33, 38). (2) The wondrous man who had said “Give me to drink.” Those are the two things we need to know today. The result o f her knowing these; two things would have been, " thou wouldst have asked o f Him, and He would have given thee living water.” How simple this makes the way to receive the living water— the fi°ly Spirit: Is), Just know, the gift; 2nd, Just know the giver, Jesus Christ; 3rd, Just ask That is, all. The Holy Spirit is the “ living water.” Everything lives where He comes (John 6:63; Ezek, 47:9). This woman was very dull (vs. 11-15; cf. 1-Cor. 2:14). She did not appear to be a hopeful case at all, but Jesus was patient and won, and what a convert she became. Jesus told her that every one who came to that fountain would thirst again (v. 13). That is true o f all this world’s fountains; they, do not satisfy permanently, neither the fountain o f wealth, fame, pleasure, car­ nal gratification, nor learning, nor any other earthly fountain will fully and forever sat­ isfy; no matter how deeply we drink we shall thirst again. But then He told her o f another water and He says the one that drinks o f that water he "“shall not thirst forever.” It satisfies "whosoever drinketh.” But you must actually drink, not merely read about the water or look at it. It not only satisfies, it becomes a constantly springing fountain within, and the result of drinking and o f the constantly springing of the water within is “everlasting life.” Glorious fountain, who will not drink and thus be full and forever satisfied. The water here to which Jesus refers is beyond question the Holy Spirit (John 7:37-39). The one who receives the Holy Spirit has within a perennial, eternal spring o f life1, rest, joy, satisfaction. He carries a well around with him. He is independent of environment. He is emancipated from the world and its amusements and gratifica­ tions, the dance, the theatre, the card party, and all the world finds necessary for

its satisfaction has no appeal for him. he has a fountain o f clear, crystal water within—why then drink o f the world’s slime-covered pools. Why is it then that so many professed Christians find it 1 nec­ essary to run after these things ? y The answer is; simple, they either have never received the Holy Spirit, or else the foun­ tain is choked with rubbish. Out with the rubbish and let the spring gush up again. Friday, April 28. John 4:15-19. The woman did not quite comprehend Jesus even yet, but she had sense enough to say, “Give me this water,” and she got it too. But. Jesus, before answering the prayer, brought the woman to realize that she was a sinner. That is a necessary step, conviction o f sin usually precedes the recep­ tion o f the Holy Spirit. “Go call thy hus­ band,” said this master soul winner. It was a sharp thrust, life and heart was laid bare. And the thrust was effective as well as sharp. The woman briefly answered, “ I have no husband.” But little did she know Jesus would drive the answer home to her conscience. He said to her, “ Thou hast well said, I have no husband: for thou hast had five husbands, and he whqm thou now hast is not thy husband : in that saidst thou truly.” The woman tried to parry the thrust by engaging Jesus in a theological discussion. This is a common trick used, by men when we try to drive home a con­ viction o f their own sin, they seek to ease their consciences by drawing ns into a discussion o f some side theological, issue. The woman failed utterly in her. attempt. It was beginning to dawn upon the woman that Jesus was a prophet indeed, He had read her heart. Saturday, April 29. John 4:20-26. Our Lord s answer to the woman’s ques­ tion went even more deeply to the need of her soul than what He had said before." He showed her the utter formality and worthlessness o f her worship, o f which she had made her boast. The standing contro-

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