King's Business - 1916-04

Religious Stories for Young People (Continued)

The Boy Next Door

A Compleat Sea Cook By Frank T. Bullen. The author de­ picts the sea life with great vividness and power. He writes o f what he knows, and not o f what he imagines, and his work is striking and unique. This is a fascinating narrative written so that one seems to be living what is described instead of merely reading about it in a book. Well illustrated. ................................... .......... $1.25 Down to the Sea By W ilfred T. Grenfell. This is a story rich in adventure and eloquent of accomplishments for the betterment of men. It'tells in the form o f fiction, the experiences, adventures and dangers of the North Sea fishermen and o f the' efforts which Grenfell’s mission makes to keep be­ fore their minds the words o f H im whq stilled the waters and who chose some of his bosom disciples from men such as they. ............. „...................................... $ 1.00 Down North on the Labrador By W ilfred T. Grenfell. A new col­ lection o f Labrador yarns-by the man who has succeeded in making isolated Labrador a part o f the known world. Like its prede­ cessors, the new volume, while confined ex­ clusively to facts in Dr. Grenfell’s daily life, is full o f romance,- adventure and ex­ citement. ................. ...................... ...... ...... ,....... $ 1.00 Doctor Luke of the Labrador By Norman Duncan. This book is founded on truth and lighted with imagina­ tion. It is well worth reading and remem­ bering. .............................................................. $1.50 The Adventures of Billy Topsail By Norman Duncan. A wholesome story of adventure. A portrayal of actual conditions that lie ready -to the hand o f the intelligent observer. .............................................................. $1.25 Billy Topsail & Company By Norman Duncan. Another volume which is brimful Of the same fun and courage and thrilling experiences as its predecessor. ....................................... ,............ $1.25 Cruising for the Cross By C. A. S. Dwight. This is a story, of ocean life and Gospel work that is full of interest and snap. The yacht, Glad Tidings, carries the good news o f redeeming mercy into many dark corners o f the world. A well written and worth-while story.

By Jean K. Baifd. A story o f life in the mining regions, containing thrilling ex­ periences and plain gospel teaching. This is not a child’s story, as the title seems to indicate. ............................................................ 50 cents The Lure of the Iron Trail By Ward W . Adair. This book is the outgrowth o f twenty years o f fellowship with railroad men. It is a detailed-char­ acter study, as well as an exciting tale,-and relates many circumstances affecting re­ generation and service. It upholds and advances the pure Gospel. ..........;................................................ $ 1.00 Toward the Glory Gate By Julia MacNair Wright. This is one o f the John C. Green Fund books—a fund from which the income is used in securing Sunday School literature o f the highest order o f merit. The author’s sub-title for the “ A Story o f Soul Growth.” It is an uncommon story o f a commonplace girl. ...................|.......;................................. $ 1.00 Pomponia; or, the Gospel in Caesar’s Household By Mrs. Webb. This book illustrates the condition o f the early Church by means o f ~a. tale in which incidents, historically true, are woven together by a thread of fiction. Readers o f Roman history will recognize most o f the names and incidents in- these pages. ^ _ .........? ___ .......50 cents Out of the Mouth of the Lion, or The Church in the Catacombs By Emma Leslie. This story repre­ sents the times o f the reign o f Marcus Aurelius. The glad gospel tidings had been carried to the remotest provinces of the empire. The character o f the converts deepened the impression made by the mes­ sage o f the Gospel. As the ennobling prin­ ciples taught by Christ and His apostles became better understood, not a few phil­ osophers turned to find rest for their souls in “the truth as it is in Jesus.” ............................................................50 cents Walled In . By W. O. Stoddard. A true story o f Randall’s Island. It is a story o f unjust detention, escape, and the difficulties o f the after life.. .................... .....................50 cents

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