
WESTERN GROWER & SHIPPER Published Since 1929 Volume XCV | Number 2

To enhance the competitiveness and profitability of Western Growers members


Dave Puglia President & CEO Western Growers davep@wga.com

16 “None of us grow food so we can throw it away.” Orange County Produce’s Founding Member A.G. Kawamura on fighting food waste. 20 Groundwater: A Tale of Two States In California and Arizona, 2023 legislation set a new playing field for negotiating the fiery topic of water. 22 My Cross-Border Medical Experience in Mexico, Courtesy of WGAT

Editor Ann Donahue 949.302.7600 | adonahue@wga.com Contributors Cory Lunde 949.885.2264 | clunde@wga.com Julia Nellis 949.885.2270 | jnellis@wga.com Michelle Rivera 949.885.4778 | mrivera@wga.com Kara Timmins 949.885.4786 | kmtimmins@wga.com Circulation Marketing 949.885.2248 | marketing@wga.com Advertising Sales Dana Davis 302.750.4662 | dana@tygermarketing.com

WG’s Michelle Rivera experiences first-hand the top tier care offered to fieldworkers.



4 President’s Notes 6 Advocacy | Arizona 8 Agriculture & the Law 10 Trade & Supply Chain Services 12 Science 14 Member Profile 18 WG Member Welcome & Anniversaries 25 Updates from the WGCIT 28 WG News You Can Use 32 Connections 33 Contact Us 34 Farm Dogs and Barn Cats of Western Growers


Western Grower & Shipper ISSN 0043-3799, Copyright © 2024 by the Western Grower & Shipper is published bi-monthly by Western Grower & Shipper Publishing Company, a division of Western Growers Service Corp., 6501 Irvine Center Drive, Suite 100, Irvine California 92618. Business and Editorial Offices: 6501 Irvine Center Drive, Suite 100, Irvine, California 92618. Accounting and Circulation Offices: Western Grower & Shipper, 6501 Irvine Center Drive, Suite 100, Irvine, California 92618. Call (949) 863-1000 to subscribe. Subscription is $25 per year. Foreign subscription is $50 per year. Single copies of issues, $2. Periodicals postage is paid in Irvine, California and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Western Grower & Shipper, PO Box 2130, Newport Beach, California 92658.



Western Grower & Shipper | www.wga.com

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