King's Business - 1926-10

Discovered! The Secret of Caruso’s Amazing Vocal Power

Onediscovery of tremendous ten »» «o *11humanityisiths < ii*»»«y of roico control by Eugen. F ^ o n g w , A. M. „„„ id ,,- system of vole« development revolutionized old method», and ^ n g H voui development from a little underatood art to an exact science. More than that it bring» a Perfect Voice within the reach of every manand every wo™n^h?d !’.ir.. a monger, richer voice for either ringing or .poking. £ S ^ - . S U ! W U - t of hie Hyo-Gloarimugclea. But it requir«! y^m trf urirdng “ nder the rid method to produce this development. you can develop your * - « w e * * » » the reach of every ambidoua man or*woman. 100% Improvement in YourVoice —guaranteed

“The Songbird ofthe aces,'*Enrico Caruso. The richness, the fullneee, the beauty end the ae- toundingpower ofhlevoiceweeduetotheexcep- tlonal development of hie Hyo-GIoeeue muecle.

You Do Not Know Your Real Voice Until youhavetriedtheFeuchtingersys­ tem, you cannot know the possibilitiesof your vocal gifts. Physical Voice Cul­ ture PRODUCES as well as DEVEL­ OPS the true voice. Itcorrectsallstrain and falsetto and makes clear the won­ derful fact that any normal person can develop a fine voice if correctly trained. Thousands of delighted graduates testify to this — many of them great vocal successes who, before coming to Professor Feuchtinger, sang very poor­ ly or not at all. Among Professor Feuchtinger’s pupils are grand opera •tars, concert singers, speakers, preach­ ers, actors and educators. FREE! TheWonderful New Book "Physical Voice Culture? Send the coupon below and we will send you FREE this valuable work on voice cul­ ture. Do not heeitate to ask. Professor Feuchtinger ia glad to have us give you this book, and you aeeume no obligation what­ ever by sending for it. You wifi do yourself a g-eat and lasting good by studying this book. It may be the Srst step In yourcareer. Do not delay. Send the coupon TODAY1 Perfect Voice Institute 1922 8oonyiidtAmt Studio 53-17 Chicago

Professor Peuchtinger’a method ia far simpler, far more rapid, far more certain in results than the tedious, hap haxard methods of ordinary vocal instructor». His unqualified success with thou- sands of pupils proves the infallibility of bis method. Under his direction, your voice will be made rich, ,full and vibrant Its over­ tones will be greatly multiplied. You will add many notes to its range and have them clear, limpid and alluring. You will have a voice that is rolling and compelling and so strong and magnetic that it will be the marvel of your associates. Professor Feuchtinger ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEES an improvement of 100 percent—a REDOUBLEMENT of your voice! If you are not absolutely satisfied that your voice is doubled in volume and quality, your money will be refunded. You are the only judge.

Eugene Feuchtinger, musician-scientist, who discovered the function of Hyo-Qlossus in voice production, and whoee famous perfect Voice system has developed thousands of volceSs


Perfect Voice Institute


1922 Sunnvride A ve- Studio 53-17 Chicago. ™ - I

Diagram of the Normal Throat ehowtog the Complete Vocal Mechanism. Tour tkroet look» like this. So did the throat ofthe geest Carueo. Profenor Feuchtinger'» syMem of»neat,eeten- tifle exercise* w01 develop your voeal organ to he foffl strength.

□ SUfiu □ tf—Hag C lU— Heg GWrekVdm



Addrt m

T he K ing ’ s B usiness Motto: “ I, the Lord, do keep it; I will water it every moment: lest any hurt it, I will keep it ni&ht and day,” Isaiah 27:3. PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY AND REPRESENTING THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES

T. C . HORTON, - • - Editor-in-Chief WM. A. FISHER, Managing Editor






THIS MAGAZINE stands for the Infallible Word of Cod, and for its great fundamental doctrines. ITS PURPOSE is to strengthen the faith of all believers, in all the world; to stir their hearta to engage In definite Christian work; to acquaint them with the varied work of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles; and to work in harmony and fellowship with them in magnifying tha ______ person and work of our Lord Jesus Christ, and thus hasten His coming._______________ _______________________ _______ ___ Volume XVII October, 1926 Number 10

Table of Contents


Page ..555 ..555 ..556 .556 ..557 ..559 ..561 ..562 ..563 ..564 ..566 ..567 .568 ...569 ..570 ..572 .573 ..575 ...576 ..578 ...579 ...580 ...582 ...583 ...587 ..588 ..590 ..596

Editorials The Perfect Pattern ..... ............................ ............ ...... The Power o f Prayer in a Modern Miracle........ Building on the Bible....-......................................... . The Whip o f Wrath,.............. ..................................... Magnifying Man or Minifying Christ.............................. Contributed Articles "Much Needed Counsel” — Dean John M. Maclnnis The Authority of the Holy Scriptures — Dr. Clarence Edward Macartney..................... An Infallible Bible and the Challenge of Science. — Arthur I. Brown, M.D., F.R.C.S.E................... ............. The Aim of the A .A .A .A ..................................................................1 Anthropology: or, The Doctrine of Man— Dr. F. E. Marsh.... A Story of Five Fishermen.............................................:.............. . Inroads of Modernism in India— Watkin R. Roberts............ Sowing the Seed in the Land of Our Lord..................................... Light on the Law— Dr. Mark A . Matthews...................................... “ The Mark of the Beast” — -Sydney Watson....*.................................... Straws and Symptoms....... ...................... ................. L.......................................... Evangelistic Department (Interesting Soul Winning Stories from Real Experience)................................................................... Our Bible Institute in China.......................... ...................................................... The Family Circle (For Fellowship and Intercession)........... ................. Practical Methods o f Personal Work (For Defenders of the Faith) — T . C . Horton .............................................................................. Outline Studies in the Epistles o f John— T . C. Horton....................... Bible Institute Happenings ................................................................... ............. Pointers for Preachers and Teachers (Homiletical H e lp s)....... The Children’ s Garden (H ie King's Business Junior).......................... Christian Endeavor T o p ic s ........................................................ ........... The Chosen People, the Land and the Book.......................... .................. Best Books ....................................................... ........... ......................... ■•••»'•.......... Iowa Christian Fundamentals Association..............................................

J, M. IRVINE, President HOWARD FROST. Vice-President A. ADDISON MAXWELL. T reasurer DR. A. T. COVERT H. B. EVANS C. A. LUX NATHAN NEWBY J. M. RUST MRS. LYMAN STEWART J. P. WELLES, Sac. to tha Board of Directors W. R. HALE, Assistant Superintendent FACULTY DR. JOHN M. MAC 1NNIS, Dean DR. RALPH ATKINSON. Associate Dean REV. JOHN H. HUNTER. Secretary of Faculty REV. WILLIAM H. PIKE. Secretary Evening School REV. KEITH L. BROOKS. Secretary Correspondence School CHRISTIAN M. BOOKS PROF. ARTHUR A. BUTLER MISS MARIE CARTER MISS FLORENCE CHAFFEE CHAS. E. HURLBURT. Superintendent


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THE RUGGED ROAD OF NAZARETH T radition declares this rock y cactus lined road to have been the favorite pathway o f our Lord. Away from the duties o f the carpenter shop, up the steep hillside He is said frequently to have gone for meditation and prayer. The somber tones o f the picture seem truthfully to reflect the conditions surrounding the Saviour’s earthly life. But behind these storm clouds there shines the gloriou s sun. So our Lord could not be permanently wrapped in the mantle o f H is earthly gloom , but is now ascended into the all glorious Presence. H aving trodden the way o f pain alone, that He m ight succor those who put their trust in Him, He w ill eventually usher us also into the realm of eternal day.


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

October 1926


17:5)—and assumed the rags of humanity, becoming a real Man among men in order to reach men. He bridged the chasm, dispensed with the angelic hosts who were His attendants and became Himself a servant. This is the Perfect Pattern! It is hard to acknowl­ edge that it is the Pattern for us. We believe that the garments of humility are appropriate for others, but it is difficult to don them ourselves. But who are we,

THE PERFECT PATTERN There are patterns for everything manufactured. Go into a factory like—for instance—Ford’s, and ask to see the Pattern Room, and you will find there a vast variety o f patterns, produced at immense cost, and of great value. There are patterns for everything from women’s

poor, wretched, selfish, self-seek­ ing, hell-bound sinners, with not a thing to commend us to Christ that we should bo saved by the shedding of His blood! Saved by His grace (unmerited favo r ); picked up as a castoff garment from the ash-heap and destined to sit with Him on His throne,—to us comes this plea: “ Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.” This is the desire of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, who will—if we will but surrender ourselves—mould and fashion us after His likeness (2 Cor. 3:18): “ But we all, with open face, be­ holding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed Into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.” Let us bow our heads, surren­ der our hearts, bend our wills and seek to be conformed to the Perfect Pattern of the Perfect Man. ! THE POWER OF PRAYER IN A MODERN MIRACLE This incident did not occur in a church, nor in a tent, nor at a called meeting of the elders. It was a strictly impromptu gather­ ing of five men in a spar and zinc I mine near Salem, Kentucky.

dresses to flyingrmachines, and yet humanity seems not to know where to find the perfect pattern for a human life, judging from the poor results which we see-all about us. We look at men and women, see their faults and failings, and are disappointed. Instead of per­ fection We find peccability, and are perplexed. But God’s Word has warned us not to look for perfection in humanity, but in the Perfect Pattern—the Man Christ Jesus. Open the door of the Pattern Room and look at Him. (Phil. 2:6-8): “ Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God; “ But made himself of no reputa­ tion, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men; “ And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and be­ came obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.”

OUR SURE REFUGE A Paraphrase of Psalm Twenty in “Peer­ less Poems of David the King" by Miss Jane Copley, a valued member of The King’s Business Family. May the Lord Jehovah hear thee In the hour of deep distress; May His name defend and cheer thee, When sharp trials round thee press; Send thee help, thy faith to strengthen, From Mount Zion’s holy hill, Till thy list of off’rings lengthen. Till thy choicest thou dost kill. Now I know the Lord redeemeth His anointed by His grace; And doth hear him, when He seemeth 'Mid the clouds to hide His face. ‘ He will hear him, and from Heaven With the strength of His right hand, Save the one who long hath striven With dark sin’s unyielding band. Some in chariots trust when seeking Safety from the coming foe ; We will trust—His praises speaking— In the Lord where’er we g o ; They who trust in human power Are brought down and quickly fall; Save us, Lord, in the dark hour, Hear us when on Thee we call.

The Model is there! The in­ structions are there 1 But it is not an easy task to mould and fashion ourselves after this Per­ fect Pattern, for we have had our eyes so long upon human pat­ terns, and to conform ourselves to the Perfect Pattern means so much cutting and trimming, such self-sacrifice, such denlean- ing of ourselves, that we are tempted to turn away and try to be satisfied with human substitutes. How can we conform ourselves to this Perfect Pat­ tern! Well, we must remember that the garment with which we are to be clothed, as Christians (1 Pet. 5:5) is not just a “ Sunday suit,” or for special occasions, but is an “ every-day” and “ every-hour” suit—in fact, a life. “ The form of God” does not refer to any outward fashion or shape, but to the inward qualities and char­ acter of God. Christ was on a perfect equality with God—a part of God—God manifest in the flesh,-—but He surrendered that glory in order to manifest Himself in human form. He did not lay aside His Deity, but He emptied Himself—divested Himself o f the honor and glory which were His before the world was (John

The meeting lasted for 153 hours, and those who took part in it could not adjourn for they could not move. They were entombed, caught by falling rocks, with nothing to eat; a little water dripping down which they caught in a cup; carbide lanterns which furnished a little light by using one at a time, and, finally—utter darknesb! One of the men could have saved himself had he not run back to warn the others. These men were from twenty-five to thirty-Beven years of age, all married but one. When they found that they could not escape, they spent the time in prayer and song, and—after they were rescued—one of them testified as follows: “We lay there till Friday morning, I guess, and all got the victory except James. He failed. We prayed on then till Sunday morning. Then I said, *1 am going to do some

October 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


The Bible is a character Book, revealing, as it does, human nature in its lowest depths as we see it, for in­ stance, in Judas Iscariot; and in its highest heights in John the Beloved. No human character, no matter how exalted, ox how debased, that is not faithfully portrayed in that Book. In every phase of human experience, every possible pre­ dicament, every trial, every test,—from Adam on down through the centuries—man is seen in his relation to God, and God is seen in His relation to man. If one is familiar with the Bible, then, he is able to read and understand human nature in its weakness and in its strength; in its trials and in its triumphs. Therefore the greatest need of the man who is to deal with men is to KNOW THE BOOK! Not only is every phase of personal experience de­ picted in the Bible, but every phase of national experi­ ence, as well. As we study it we come to understand that human nature has never changed and never can be changed. The lie upon the lips of Adam and Eve is the same lie which has been upon the lips of every soul born into the world. No man would dare stand up and deny that he was born with a lying nature. Man’s development through education and environ­ ment has failed to change his nature. The old nature may be curbed, but never eliminated, and when occa­ sion arises for its demonstration—there it is! The Bible not only delineates character, but reveals to us the process by which man can come into fellowship with God and into harmony with the unchanging will of God. This is the world’s great need—to know human na­ ture and to know God’s Book and God’s remedy for a sin-sick world. This is no easy task, but by God’s grace and the surrender of the life to the will of God, the man who has a new nature by the indwelling Holy Spirit will be able to fashion his character after that of the Man Christ Jesus. Therefore—build on the Bible! And out of the new nature a holy passion will surge for others, out of the eyes will flash the light of the new life, and with Bible in hand and love in the heart, from God’s great Uni­ versity will go men and women, with glad songs of praise, to do the will of the Master-Builder. THE WHIP OF WRATH In the second chapter of John are two remarkable pictures of God manifest in the flesh which are well worthy of careful consideration. The first is a home scene. Jesus is a Guest at a marriage feast. His mother is there and they are having a happy time. The wine gives out. No doubt an unexpected number were present. Note how perfectly natural is the pic­ ture. Mary, the mother of Jesus, comes and tells Him “ They have no wine.” Jesus says to the servants, “ Fill the water pots with water,” and when this had been done, the water was turned into wine. And this was the first miracle. We could stop and write a sermon, but our purpose is to bring this joyful occasion into strange contrast with another immediately following. The Jews’ Pass- over was at hand and Jesus went up to Jerusalem (2:14): “ And found in the temple those that sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the cliangers of money sitting.” Now comes one of the most remarkable scenes in the New Testament and one worthy of careful study. Can

writing' and, turning to Junes, I said, 'Boy, ar© you right or wrong? I'm going to put down what you say.’ H© said, ‘I don’t know what to say.’ Then, turning his face toward Heaven he said, ’Put it down, I’m saved!’ ” When the rescuers found the men they were still praying. One of the rescuing party bade them keep quiet, but they kept on praying until they were all taken out. The wives of the men had been gathered around the mine opening for a week, their eyes red with weeping. When the men appeared, on their caps was pencilled this message: “ If we are dead when you find us,—we are saved!” We have condensed this account from that printed in the Los Angeles Times, and are using it here for one definite purpose—as a lesson on prayer, as significant as those recorded in Scripture. Think of these men lying for over six days in mud and water, without food, sustained by God in answer to their prayer, happy in the consciousness of God’s abil­ ity to hear and answer, rejoicing in the final conversion o f one .who had been holding out against their prayers, coming out with happy faces and joyful testimony to the grace and goodness of God! Truly a Twentieth Century miracle, and a tremen­ dous testimony to the sturdy faith of these Kentucky Christians who take God at His Word, believe in the Biblical account of creation, and refuse to allow the teaching of evolution in their tax-supported schools. What a rebuke to us for our own lack of faith—we who ar.e favored with every possible privilege! And also what an inspiration and incentive to lay hold, with intensified faith, on the unfailing promises of God which are just as good in the Twentieth Century as in the First. The editor intends to put this incident into tract form for wide distribution in order to awaken a more defi­ nite faith in prayer and a more definite purpose to When the Bible Institute of Los Angeles erected its great building (valued now at over two million dol­ lars), one hundred and twenty feet above the ground— the full height allowed by the city ordinance—it was necessary in order to insure a firm founda^on for such a structure, to go thirty-four feet below the surface of the street. This was to be a Bible School where men and women would be trained in the knowledge of the Word of God as a basis for their Christian life and service, so in the corner stone of the building were placed a Bible and a Statement of Doctrine embodying the fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith,—which statement of doctrine was also made a part of the deed to the property. No better preparation can be had for any walk of life—business or profession—than a knowledge of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. “ The proper study of mankind is man,” says Pope, and the proper basis for the study of mankind is the marvellous history of man found in the Bible. “ A man is what he is. Not what men say he is. His character no man can touch. His character is what he is before God, and only himself can damage that. His reputation is what men say he is. That can be damaged, but reputation is for time only, while character is for eternity.” (Gough). exercise the privilege of prayer. BUILDING ON THE BIBLE


Octòber 1926

T H E . K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

Were Christ here would He make a whip of wrath and scourge them from the pulpit, or would He com­ mend them as brethren? Bead again these verses in the Gospel of John and pray over them. Has Christ changed? Was the court of the temple more sacred to Him than the places where worship is carried on in His name today? It is possible to hoodwink really honest and sincere people, and we pity them. But the sorrow of sorrows is the coming judgment upon those preachers who be­ tray their trust and, worst of all, the terrible conse­ quences upon young and old who are deceived and de­ graded by that betrayal. The Whip of Wrath is still in His hand. He is the

you visualize our Lord,—Maker of Heaven and earth in human form,—looking upon those greedy men who are taking advantage of the feast as an opportunity to make money and thus violating the sanctity of the House of God by making it a den of thieves? “ And when He had made a scourge of small cords, He drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers’ money, and overthrew the tables.” Make your own picture! Taking a stick and cords and weaving them into a whip, bending over to com­ plete the task. See Him rise up and with the whip drive the money-changers—with sheep and oxen—out o f the temple, pour out the money and overthrow the tables! Then remember that

s ame , yesterday, to­ day and forever—The God o f Love and the God of Wrath. MAGNIFYING MAN OR MINIFY­ ING CHRIST We p r e s u m e Mr. Pace intended this car­ toon to depict man as he views himself and he has certainly suc- c e e d e d well. T h e Modernist movement has afforded an oppor­ tunity for men to4 be­ come ^very much puff­ ed up in their own con­ ceit. This is perfectly natural for the natural man, but it is unfor­ tunate for the sup­ posedly “ spiritual” man, for as man is magnified, God is min­ ified. The Word of God is full of examples of this truth and those of us who h a v e h a d lengthened experience in Christian work have

this was His first pub­ lic appearance — His inauguration as t h e King of the Jews, ful­ filling the prophecy of Malachi: “ My messenger,* • • shall suddenly come to his temple • • • But who may abide His coming * * * for * * • He shall sit like a refiner and purifier of silver; and He shall purify the sons of Levi.” This is the Messiah! How m a n y sugges­ tions come sweeping into the mind! Com- p a r e this with the marriage scene. Love and wrath are in con­ trast. He is a God of Love. He is a God of Wrath. He is the God of Law, and “ the law worketh wrath.’ ’ Violation of God’s law is always attend­ ed by suffering. We need in these days to face t h e formidable facts which are made plain in the history of

also seen many sad illustrations, and know full well that it is the result of that sinful nature which we inherited from Adam. We have seen Mr. Pace’s friend many, many times. Starting with a little puff of success and popularity, and possessing much empty space for expansion, men have developed remarkably soon and to extraordinary size. The Word o f God humbles man to the dust, and when we allow it to have its perfect work in us we are ready to exclaim with Paul, “ 0, wretched man that I am !” But Modernism fills the Bible with question marks, lowers Christ to the place of a mere man, and exalts man to higher and higher heights; and the Mod-' emist preacher, puffed to ponderous dimensions, adorns bis sentences with gems of philosophy, metaphysics and poetry and seeks to ease the consciences of his hear­ ers with reference to sin by fanciful and winsome words. He is not versed in the Bible, but he uses verses

the Jews and of the church. Our bodies are His temples now, and are indwelt by the Holy Spirit. They are sacred. We are highly honored by His presence. We should keep His temple clean. The church is composed of believers. Church build­ ings are supposed to be places of worship. There should be no place there for the money changers. The last half century has greatly changed the aspect of church edi­ fices and we do not now approach them with much of holy reverence, as places of worship. Follow the advertisements in the Saturday papers. Are they not catchy? Have they not drawing power? But go and listen to some of these—so-called—“ evan­ gelical preachers” who deny the Virgin Birth o f our Lord and His blood atonement. Are they not guilty of a greater sin than that of the money-changers? And yet some poor, deluded people pay as much as a thou­ sand dollars a month for the privilege of hearing charming “ sermonettes” from such beguiling, soul- destroying money-changers!

October 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S



What is needed most of all is to be crucified with Christ, for “ If a man think himsef to be something when he is nothing he deceiveth himself.” He may also deceive others for a season, until the bubble bursts. •We can be sure that we will make no mistake, how­ ever, if we seek to magnify our Lord Jesus, the Virgin- born, crucified, resurrected Christ, whose blood cleanses from all sin.

from it in an effort to prove that sin is but a synonym for mistaken ideas. ~ i It is remarkable that some of these men do not last long and the historians forget their names. Nothing is more pitiable in the sight of God or man than their strenuous efforts to magnify their own personality and supposed gifts of eloquence. The sky rocket makes a brief display, goes way up, and comes down—a stick!

Alt ^ JÜ ÿ i Mi “Let Us Have Peace” An Editorial In a Recent

Issue of "The Presbyterian” believe and do as he pleases. He is a law unto himself. This means anarchy and breakdown in all morals and truths. (2) Romanism, which ties all life up to the Pope and the hierarchy, and the dire result of this in the loss of liberty and the prevalence of indulgence is written large in the records of history. (3) Evangelicism,'which recognizes no other authority in faith and practice* but the Word of God. Man’s life in time and his hope for eternity is revealed only by the infallible, inerrant Word of God. These three can never attempt union save at great expense, hurt and breakdown. So long as they remain organically separate and civilly distinct and free, external quietness may be maintained. But the present attempt to mingle rationalism and evangelicism in the same organization means a struggle and separation, or degeneration and death. The report of the Special Commission of Fifteen absolutely ignored the intrusion of rationalism save to favor those who sought to foster it in the Evangelical Church. One of the great and bitter disappointments connected with this report was the signatures of some men who have hitherto been regarded aB faithful to God’s Word, but now must be ranked with those who blind testimony with a false peace which ignores the separation between faith and unbelief. In the natural world, btruggle is seen everywhere. Nothing can be secured without it. In the civic sphere we have not a single blessing today which was not obtained through great struggle. In the realm of faith, struggle and defense against error and sin has ever been enjoined in the Word 1 of God, and peace is possible only by fellowship with God in truth and righteousness. When Jesus confronted the devils, they asked Him why He came to torment them before the time. Nevertheless, he commanded them to come but of the men and enter no more into them. This con­ flict between God and sin, and Satan, between death and life, between error and truth, and wrong, is a part of the present dispensation, and whatever attempts to substitute this an­ tagonism by a false peace is de^nerating and deadly. As vigilance is the price of liberty, so, too, honest, earnest struggle is the price of prosperity in right and truth. A false peace is deadly to everything. It is folly to cry peace, peace, when there is no peace.

ff““ |=gHERE has been a very persistent cry among pro' M fessedly Christian men, saying, "Stop this con- H « flict in religion and let us have peace.” This call B U S for peace is not confined to the sphere of religion, it is a spirit which pervades all relations in modern life. There is a tendency to forget that struggle is a pervading element of the earthly creation, and it cannot be avoided, and the attempt to avoid it is perilous. A farmer youth said to his father: "The Japanese and the potato beetles are very active, and I think we should do something to overcome them.” The father replied: “ Oh! never mind them; we will fertilize more and cultivate more, and thus overcome them.” But when the end of the season came and the time for fruit had arrived, the Japa­ nese beetle had destroyed all foliage, and the fruit had per­ ished. The potato beetle had destroyed the vines, and the hills contained only small sprouts, and in consequence the family faced the winter with scant supply, if not the peril of starvation. A wife said to her husband: “ Dear, I think there is a small gas leak somewhere; I think I smell it." He replied: “ You are always scenting trouble; never mind. If there was anything of that kind I think I would detect it. Besides, I’m tired and I want to be quiet and rest.” They go to rest and sleep. In the night the force increased the leak. Visit the house in the morning and the father, mother and children are dead. There is a struggle in civil life. Certain parties are attacking the Constitution and the law of enforcement con­ cerning prohibition. Some loyal citizens propose resistance. The peace-lovers say, “ Never mind, let them alone; they cannot change the Constitution. That must stand.” While the loyal people are thus lulled to sleep and inactivity which is called peace, the enemies of prohibition are active, intensely active. The composition and character of the State legislature and Congress is changed, and with this the Constitution is changed, and the statutes are reversed, and the country is flooded with intemperance, with all the curse that follows. The same spirit of peace at any cost has entered the Church. Rationalism has attacked the divine Revelation and its precious salvation for body and soul for time and eternity, for eternal life and glory. The Bible enjoins us to fight a good fight of faith, and "take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.” Within the Church today there are these forces which are antagonistic by their very nature, and they cannot inter­ mingle without conflict, as they are mutually destructive. Absolute separation is the only safeguard. These forces are: (1) Rationalism, which makes the individual reason and experience the rule of life, so that each man is to

Mi m Strengthen my hands, Lord, for I am weak, Thou art the Strong One, Lord, Thy help I seek; If I lean trustfully on Thee, Thy strength Will he made perfect in me, Lord, at length. I will “ Fear not” , yea, I will forward go To do the duty first that Thou wilt show; Thy help, Thy strength, is promised unto me, Praise to Thy Name, O Lord, I rest on Thee.

— Ina Sinclair.


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

October 1926


C o n t r i b u t e d A r t i c l e s

“Much Needed Counsel” DEAN JOHN M. MACINNIS

was going to happen to the nation. Things looked black in every direction. He had eyes and was a good man but his eyes were out of focus and he was not seeing realities. In these circumstances his heart turned to God and In a real experience God adjusted his eyes and he,began to see the realities. First, he looked up. He saw God “ high and lifted up"— on the throne. That meant that in the midst of his despair he came to realize that God was actually in control. He had come to think that the final issues depended upon men but now he Bees that they are deter­ mined by the throne of God. We need that vision in our day. As individual Christians we need to see God in a new experience of Jesus Christ and to realize that He is on the throne “ high and lifted up.” A man or a church without that vision has no message because there is no power in which the world and its ideals are overcome.. It is in this living experience and vision of God that we get our message for a lost world. “ Why do the nations rage and the peoples dream a vain thing?” Why do they think they can get along without God and succeed by going con­ trary to His laws? They have lost the vision of the throne and the reality of its sway. If we are to make that real to them we must have the experience in our own life. In the second place the prophet looked in. First he looked up, then having seen the throne of God he looked in upon his own life. To see God is to be searched by Him. When the white light of His throne and power and holi­ ness falls upon the life we get a glimpse of ourselves as we really are in His sight. No man sees himself as he really is until he sees himself in the light of God’s throne. When Isaiah saw himself in that light he cried out “ Woe is me.” How different from the Laodicean boast “ I have need o f nothing.” No man can see his life in the light of God as manifested in the face of Jesus Christ and not realize how far short he is coming. There we see what we ought to be. When we see what we ought to be we realize how tragically short we are coming of our privil­ eges and responsibilities. The prophet cried, “ I am undone." That does not mean that he was not a good man as men counted goodness. In all probability he was the best man in Judah atj that particular time. In the light of other men’s lives he ranked high; in the searching light of the throne he was an utter failure. How does our life stand in the light that flashes from that throne as it is manifested in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ? Are we honest and brave enough to seek that light upon our lives? The Laodicean church said “ I have need of nothing” because the light of God in J cbus Christ was not upon their life. He was outside while they were comparing them­ selves with others. If they had only dared to look at them­ selves In the light of His glory it would have revolutionized their thinking. Are we willing to look upon our own lives as individuals and upon the life of the church of Jesus

«4 ^ COUNSEL thee to buy." This was the counsel pirn of the exalted Christ to a needy Church in an hour —*1 of crisis. The other day a reporter of one of the great New York newspapers got a tip from one of the leading financial men of the world that was worth hun­ dreds of millions of dollars on the stock market: He took it home with him and slept on it for one or two nights and then gave it out indifferently and within a few hours it made and unmade fortunes but it meant nothing to him. If this church at Laodicea had only followed Christ’s lead to buy at the right time, the history of the world might have been different. Its own life certainly would have been trans­ formed. What did Christ counsel them to buy? Not bonds nor stocks nor any of the things that the world is seeking as riches. Among other things, He counseled them to buy eyesalve. What strange counsel! They were not con­ scious of any eye trouble. • That is exactly where the tragedy came in. They were suffering from optical illusion — they were actually seeing things that did not exist at all and were falling to see things as they really were. They had eyes but they were out of focus and the light that was in them had become darkness. They thought they were rich but as a matter of fact they were poor. They thought they were richly clothed and boasted of their apparel but in reality they were naked and their nakedness was their shame. Their vision was a blind man’s delusion. How pathetic, how tragic, but it was even worse than this. In their nakedness and failure they were boasting of a higher and superior life— “ Thou sayest I am rich.” Whenever men begin to boast of a higher life and a superior insight it is time to pause and see if all is well. In other words boasting is a danger signal. “ I thank Thee that I am not as other men” is the language of a blind man who thinkB he has superior sight. “ Oh wad some power the giftie gie us to see oursels as ithers see us”——but first of all to see ourselves as God sees us. This eyesalve that Jesus Christ counseled this church to buy can do that very thing for men. Prof. Hockings of Harvard has written a big volume on the question as to whether or not human nature can be changed. Jesus says it can. He says that men can be born again and that a blind man can be made to see. A nature that is twisted so that sight is out of focus can be corrected so that we may not suffer from optical illusion. The big­ gest investment that an individual or a church can make is to invest in that eyesalve, for “ where there is no vision the people perish,” but where there is a correct vision we have victory and a living message. These are the two things that the church needs supremely today— first, victory in its own life, and second, a living Yhessage for a defeated world. What such eyesalve does for men is illustrated in what happened to the Prophet Isaiah. Josiah, the king, was dead and the young prophet was concerned aB to what

October 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


to do that and He put the power for its realization at our disposal in His redeeming action. Second, he said, “ I would suggest that you must practice your religion without adulterating or toning it down.” One of the greatest curses in our Christian life in America is that we are actually adulterating and toning down the Christian religion, thinking that in that way we will win the world, but instead the world is conquering the church. We have no right to tone down the Christian religion in fact we cannot tone it down. Christianity is Jesus Christ made real in the liveB of men through His redeeming action and we cannot tone Jesus Christ down. Third, he said, "I would suggebt that you must put your emphasis on love, for love is the center and soul of Chris­ tianity.” Anybody that knows Gandhi knows that he didn’t mean by love a mere sentiment but love as a working force, and Jesus said, “ By this shall all men know that ye are My disciples, if ye have love one for another.” In the fourth place, he said, "I would suggest that you study the non-Christian religions and culture more sym­ pathetically in order to find the g 90 d that is in them so that men might have a more sympathetic approach to the people.” In other words try to understand the people you a,re approaching. Follow the Spirit of Jesus Christ, who came into the world and became like unto us in order that He might not only understand us but die for us. When Dr. Jones mentioned these four things to the Chief Justice of the high court in north India this Christian Brit­ isher exclaimed, “ He could not have put his finger on four more important things.” It took spiritual genius and in­ sight to do that. We sometimes wonder if we are honest enough to look at our own lives and the life of the church of Jesus Christ in the light of God as steadily and honestly as this Hindu looked upon it. Jesus counsels us that we buy eyesalve that we may see. May God help us to escape the tragedy of optical illusion which was the tragedy of the church of Laodicea.

Christ in the light of what He is? At the close of an address by a missionary in India, one of the native judges who hap­ pened to be the chairman of the meeting said, “ You have heard tonight what it means to be a Christian. If to be like Christ is what it means, I hope you will all be Christians in your lives.” Then he turned to thé Christians who hap­ pened to be on the platform and said, “ I have on© word to speak to you. If you Christians had lived more like Jesus Christ this process o j conversion would have gone on much more rapidly.” How do we stand when we are brought to the test of life as it is made possible in Jesus Christ? In the third place, he looked out. He was not in a posi­ tion to look out and see things as they really were until first he looked up and looked in. When he looked out he found that he was dwelling among men of unclean life and speech. They were called by the name of God but they were not realizing the life of God. Is not this the vision that is forced upon us when we look upon the church in the light -of the throne of God? It is because of this fact of a lack of the realization of the life of Christ in our church life that we are so powerless in the presence of the world. Dr. E. Stanley Jones in that Challenging little book "The Christ of the Indian Road” tells us that he asked Mahatma Gandhi what he would suggest to make possible the winning of India to Jesus Christ so that it would no longer be a foreign thing identified with foreign people but a part of the national life of India, contributing its power to India’s uplift and redemption,. This remarkable man suggested four things that ought to help bring the life of the church and our own lives as Christians to the test of the vision of God. First, he said, “ I would suggest that all of you Christians — missionaries and all— must begin to live more like Jesus Christ.” Are we Christians— missionaries and all— here iù America living like Jesus Christ? He told us that we are


Ut sM the Untouchables “ I must tell of one Indian Christian who had walked from his village 30 miles away to be in the meetings. He was once one of the regular workers on a very small salary, and because of shortness of funds was discontinued. He went to his village to make his liv­ ing, and while he had a hurt feeling in his heart he never gave up his trust in Christ. He came all this distance to be refreshed in spiritual things, and after two days he got up in the meet­ ing to tell olt the blessing that had come to him. The hurt had all gone and he resolved to return to his home and give from his daily work one hour every day to telling others of Christ. He said there were four Christian fam­ ilies in his village and every day they met together as one to read the Bible and pray. He was quite confident that a revival of interest would begin in that group. We all joined in prayer for him to be filled with the Holy Spirit, and then started him back on his 30 mile journey, trusting God to use him for. His glory. “ I attended an interesting meet­ ing under the great outstretched trees where more than a hundred boys and

in India girls were gathered with their Chris­ tian teachers. These sweet-faced chil­ dren arq from the lowest of the lowly in India and called by their own peo­ ple ‘the untouchables.’ How silly it is, for they are as bright and pretty as any children you have ever seen. I venture that through them many of the proud, high caste, aloof Hindus and Mohammedans will get the mes­ sage of Christ. India will some day Bit at the feet of these people who have in simple faith received Him who is their only hope. “ This is the district in which the far famed chicken industry was started a few years ago. Many at home will recall that Wm. H. Ridgway sent a consignment of chickens to I n d i a . They arrived safely with the following caption nicely printed over their cabin, ‘To the Captain—We are missionaries in feathers bound for India. We only ask that you be kind to us and give us water.’ The growth and reputation of this Industry has m a d e its way throughout this entire section. Many of these poor Christians are now see­ ing that Christ can by His Spirit help them to make an independent living.”

Touching B jjgHE following excerpts from a M l letter to The King’s Business H by Rev. James B. Ely,— for Hj many years in charge of the Open Air Evangelistic Cam­ paign in Philadelphia— are most in­ spiring, proving that the signs of a great revival and ingathering of souls is evident, even in far-off India. Mr. Ely says: “ We reached Kasganj, a part of the district 6 f Etah, at midnight. The next morning, Sabbath, we started in w i t h the tent meetings, having as helpers the Christians from outlying districts. They had, by prayer and very hard work, made full preparation, and their expectation was very great. It was not difficult to speak to them, for they listened with eagerness, as hungry boys would take food. Every night the attendance increased and the interest deepened. Soon almost every moment was taken up in talks with Inquiring souls. It was a happy four days’ campaign, and I was truly Borry we could not stay longer on acount of the engagement at Etah, the very cen­ ter of the district of over 800,000 people.


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

October 1926

r~ O f u Q T • . The A u tho r ity o f the Holy May the Bible be Accepted as an Infallible o f a Divine Revelation? DR. CLARENCE EDWARD MACARTNEY Former Moderator Presbyterian General Assembly Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Scriptures Record i i l i i

Dr. Macartney (whose picture appears on the cover page of this issue) has certainly conferred a great favor upon The King's Business Family in send­ ing us for publication this address which was originally delivered at the “ Quadrennial World Convention o f the Alliance of Reformed Churches hold­ ing the Presbyterian System’ at Cardiff, Wales, June 29, 1925. He is one of the outstanding Defenders o f the Faith, and we know that every loyal believer will be glad to take him upon their hearts for prayer.

Dr. Sanday says of the traditional Protestant view of the Bible, as expressed in the great confessions of Protestant­ ism: “ This was the view commonly held fifty years ago. And when it comes to be examined it is found to be sub­ stantially not very different from that which was held two centuries after the birth of Christ.” Facing the Facts We must face the fact that a Bible which is childish, gro­ tesque and absurd as to its astronomy, geology and biology can never exert the moral authority over the minds of men that the Bible did exert over those heroic souls who estab­ lished the Reformed Churches and built up the civilization of the Protestant nations. You can never open the door to the reception of the Bible as a spiritual authority and guide by first of all describing it as a collection of myth and folk­ lore, silly notions of the earth and of man, with here and there very low ideas of God. Yet this is the impossible task that many of our so-called “ liberal” Protestants are at­ tempting. But it can never be done until the east meets the west. The solution of the scientific difficulty lies elsewhere. What we are so sure is experimental and established fact today, may assume a different aspect tomorrow, and the last word will be God’s. The remarkable thing is that in a book written so many ages ago there should be any ground for a dispute as to whether or not this book is in agreement with the latest findings of physical science. The grand steps in crea­ tion outlined In the Bihle are so in keeping with those out­ lined by science that, as a President of the British Associa­ tion, Sir William Dawson, once put it, “ It would not be easy, even now, to construct a statement of the development of the world in popular terms so concise and so accurate.” Danger from Within The most dangerous attack on the Bible is made by those within the Churches who claim that only by such reinter­ pretations can we mediate between the Bible and the “ mod­ ern mind,” that terrible monster which now threatens to destroy Christianity after it has survived the shocks and the storms of the ages. Perhaps the best key to the whole liberal and modernistic method with the Bible is what is called “ Progressive Revelation." That has a good sound. We all believe in progress and we all believe in revelation. Therefore, Why not Progressive Revelation? But, as used by the Modernists, "Progressive Revelation” is not the true Biblical teaching that God has revealed His will successively and increasingly through patriarchs, prophets and the Gospel, culminating in Jesus (Continued on page 605)

HE liberal Protestant churches are slowly losing their faith in the Scriptures and as they lose their faith In the Scriptures they are slowly losing their religion. The Protestant churches came Into exis­ tence as a sublime witness to the Bible as the only rule of faith and practice. That was many centuries ago. But now it has come to pass in the strange revolutions of the wheel of history that some of the Protestant churches and many Protestant scholars and theologians are the most deter­ mined and dangerous enemies of the Bible. It is four cen­ turies since our noble pioneers of the Reformed Churches gave to the world the Bible as the only rule of faith. Today no one will deny that at a meeting of representatives of the churches throughout the world holding to the Presby­ terian system the question of the authority of the Bible is timely and critical. Has God Spoken? The whole issue of Christianity and the spiritual destiny of mankind depend upon the answer to this question, Has God spoken to man? This fundamental question of religion is admirably stated by Bishop Gore in his book, Belief in God: “ This then is the question— Has the Divine Mind, or Spirit, taken action on His side to disclose or reveal Him­ self to those who are seeking after God?“ Prom the very beginning the unfaltering answer of the Christian Church has been that God has spoken to man, and that we have an infallible record of that revelation in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. This has been the ground upon which the Church, Catholic as well as Protestant, has stood from the very beginning. The only alternative for an Infallible record of a divine revelation for our salvation is human reason, and human reason is as the eloquent American agnostic, Robert Ingersoll, declared it to be, “ a flickering torch, borne on a starless night, and blown by the winds of prejudice and passion.” Enemies of the Bible today within the Protestant Church are trying to create the Impression that the idea of an infallible Bible goes back only to the Reformation, and was foisted upon Christianity by extreme Protestants who set up an infallible Bible in the place of an infallible Pope. Nothing could be more preposterous. The Roman Catholic view of the Scriptures is summed up by the declaration of the Vatican Council of 1870, which, having named the books of the Bible, declares them to be sacred and canonical, not because approved by the Church, nor because they contain a revelation with no admixture of error, but “ because having been written by the Inspiration of the Holy Ghost they have God for their author." In his Bampton Lectures of 1893,

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