T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
October 1926
The Aim o f the A. A. A. A.
and indulging their natural tendencies without let or hindrance. • What can be done. We must meet the foe on his own ground. They will organize. So must we! They say: "Stress will be laid on forming branches in High Schools, as these will prepare students to serve as organizers of DAMNED SOULS SOCIETIES during college years, and for effective work thereafter in combating the church. A com prehensive program has been arranged. PICNICS AND OUTINGS WILL TAKE THE PLACE OF STUI/TIFYING SUNDAY SCHOOLS." We must organize our youth as BIBLE DEFENDERS!
■ANY of The King’s Business Family have been awakened to a new sense of the peril which con fronts our nation by the story in the September number of the organization and incorporation of the "American Association for the Advancement of Athe ism," the avowed purpose of which is to “ Abolish Belief in God!” The Modernists, by their pernicious teaching in school and church, have laid the foundation upon which this Athe istic Association is erecting its Satanic structure. We could not tell it all, but we want to keep you informed as to new developments in their dastardly program, and here is, the. latest piece of literature
Inject the heroic spirit to which youth always responds. Here is some thing w o r t h fighting for! Fight the good fight of faith! Faith in the Bible! Faith in the Vir gin Birth of the Son of God! Faith in His sac rificial death! Faith in His physical resurrec tion! Faith in His com ing again! Give them some idea of the present awful conditions and the need for brave and buoyant conflict. Let the new life, hap pily and joyfully lived, be the answer to these devil worshippers. T e a c h them to be proud to c a r * y their Bibles openly and use them to conquer the foe. Teach our young peo
which they have sent ou t:. The circular goes on to say: "Miss . C h r i s t i n e Walker, National Secre tary, a SIXTEEN YEAR OLD ( ! ) atheist o f ex ceptional executive abil ity, is waiting to hear from young atheists and their parents." Look into the face of this sixteen year old secretary and then think soberly. Have YOU any chil dren between the ages of seven and seventeen? If so, how would you like to have them en rolled in this Junior Atheistic Organization? If you do not want them to come under its influence, how can you avoid it? If the ministers do not come out boldly, and the school authorities do' not oppose it, what will hinder our boys and girls from aiding and
CHRISTINE WALKER, National Sacratary Under the Auspices of The American Association for the Advancement of Atheism Incorporated The anti-religious movements of the past have had but meagre success because they failed to convert the rising generation. But we realise that unless steps are taken to prevent the church from instilling its superstition into the plastic mind of youth, atheists will always be in the minority. This Children’s Crusade is intended to counteract the influence of Sunday Schools and religious in struction in public schools, and defeat their persistent efforts to gain control of our boys and girls. •— Official Announcement of the A . A . A . A .
ple that they must fight the evil tendencies of the old nature and the multiplying temptations of the world. They must wear the armor of God. They must use the Sword of the Spirit. They must DO IT NOW! The Modernists will not encourage them to fight for their faith for they have none. Parents who love the Lord and their children must band together in a fellowship of prayer and service and fight to save our youth from the insidious snares which these agents of Satan are laying. Here is The Atheists’ Published Program of Education “ Educators in the A.A.A.A. will supervise the instruction. Morality, based on the findings of modern science, will SUPERSEDE BELIEF BASED ON SPECULATIONS OF ANCIENT, ASIATIC THEOLOGY. These lessons will be printed in large quantities for distribution by locals in recruiting members. As soon as 5,000 members are enrolled the first monthly lesson will be mailed. CONTRIBUTIONS ARE COMING IN FROM MEMBERS of the A.A.A.A. for this IMPORTANT PART o f ITS WORK! Send in LIST OF (Continued on page 612)
abetting this blasphemous and destructive propaganda? The devil Is on the Job. He understands the nature of man. He is responsible for its devilish character, and he knows how to influence the young. The appeal is to the natural tendency of the human heart to deny authority of every kind. Listen to this: “ The League will remove boys and girls from the evil influence of the clergy. It will encourage them to protest against Bible reading and religious worship in public schools. • • * The attainment of happiness in this world rather than eternal bliss in a world to come shaU be taught the rising generation as the chief end o f man. Dispelling the illusions of immortality, the League will free our sons and daughters from the fear of heU and the Iwge o f SACRIFICE FOR POST-MORTEM CONSIDERATIONS will be SHOWN TO BE CRIMINAL FOLLY!” Students in colleges and universities are no longer under control and yield logically to the subtle insinuations which are made by Modernistic professors, and so are ready to accept this alluring prospect of throwing off all restraint
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