King's Business - 1926-10


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

October 1926

In road s o f M od e rn ism in Ind ia A Brief Summary o f the Very Serious Situation - P* WATKIN R. ROBERTS

Author of 'T h e Ravage* of Higher CrSTciam in the Indian Mission Field,” and one of the founder* of the Bible League of India, Burma and Ceylon.

In this illuminating analysis of the missionary situation, by Mr. Roberts, it will be seen that the insidious forces o f unbelief are now working among mission­ aries of the various British and American denominational Boards in India, Burma and Ceylon. The author clearly indicates the responsibility of all Christians to withdraw support from every agency which condones a ques­ tionable attitude toward the historic faith.

India (North)", consisting of Congregationalists and Pres­ byterians, with a predominant Modernist voting majority, is a clear indication that this so-called "Universal Church” is perilously near; THAT one of the newest theories is to "evangelize” and "help” non-Christian religious systems “ through a progres­ sive sloughing off of the impure and the superstitious” and “ retaining what is good.” THAT with this new theory of "evangelizing” non-Chris­ tian religions, we may soon expect the accomplishment of their programme in the organizing of a “ World Federation of Religions,” and the Word of Prophecy fulfilled; THAT there are well-organized and highly financed Mod­ ernist secret Councils operating in England and America with a view to capturing the whole missionary fabric in foreign lands; THAT efforts are being made to “ Indianize” Christianity by compromising with other religions; Introducing heathen customs into Christian worship; organizing “ retreats where “ Christian’* missionaries, Hindus, Mohammedans and others meet for "spiritual” worship on "common ground,” and at whose “ retreats” the name of the Lord Jesus Christ is being omitted from all “ prayer” and “ worship.” Some Tragic Results Prominent Indian Christian leaders have, during the past two or three years, publicly renounced their belief in the Deity of our Lord Jesus Christ. On® of the most outstand­ ing instances is that of a man converted over thirty years ago. Let me quote his own words: “ After thirty years of Christian life, twenty-three of which have been spent in the Christian ministry, and. after a fresh, careful study of the New Testament, I feel called upon to openly and publicly declare that ( I ) The Jesus of History never claimed to be God or a super-human being, or one who existed before; (2 ) Jesus never taught that the Holy Spirit is anything but the power of God; and that (3 ) Jesus has never taught anything from which the doctrine of the trinity in unity and unity in trinity can be inferred or upheld." In another pub­ lished statement this same person complains that "In ‘Chris­ tianity’ God seems to be eclipsed, Jesus Christ being wor­ shiped as Lord.” Another prominent Indian Christian has recently with­ drawn entirely from Christian work and profession. Still another leader among Christians recently referred in his presidential address to an avowed worshiper of' Hindu idols, but a foremost politician as the "greatest Indian Christian” of his day! (Continued on page 61JL)

T would be Impossible to sum up the serious situ­ ation now confronting the Christian Church In India within the space now available. It is Imper­ ative to make It clear to all the Lord’s people, however, that Higher Criticism Is spreading like a deadly plague among the Christian forces In India, Burma and Ceylon. There are indications in the published writings of some of the newer missionaries that they are In close sym­ pathy with Bolshevistic teaching. A prominent missionary, who has spent many years in India and is well known for his Modernistic views, claims that “ the greater majority" of the 5,800 missionaries now working in that country hold Modern beliefs; another equally prominent missionary has stated that he estimated at least fifty per cent had accepted Higher Critical views regarding the Word of Ood. b Some Sad Discoveries It has been definitely discovered THAT many so-called “ Mission” Schools and Colleges are being largely staffed by non-Christian teachers; THAT in many of these institutions Books of Prayers are being used which deliberately omit the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, the declared reason being that the missionaries do not wish to “ offend” their non-Christian students; THAT some “ Mission” Schools and Colleges publicly boast in the fact that they give their non-Christian students edu­ cational facilities “ without demanding conversions in return” ; . THAT in some of the text books used by such organizations the Lord Jesus Christ is referred to as "a reformer, born of the common people” ; that He is said to have held nn “ extreme democratic attitude” by founding a so-called new ’ universal social order” ; THAT over 20,000 Indian students— in one city alone— who are mostly non-Christian— are compelled to study text books on the Bible in which the Word of God is practically placed on the level of any other “ inspired” book; and that they are thus influenced against Christianity through the pub­ lications of Modernists before the Gospel is ever made known to them; THAT practically all the prominent Theological Colleges and Schools are saturated with Modernistic teaching, includ­ ing Evolution; and that there is, therefore, little possibility of raising up a strong body of Christian leaders in these countries; THAT a prominent missionary leader recently claimed at a public function that the ultimate aim was to unite Protes­ tants, Roman Catholics, Greeks and others in a union “ Church.” The recent formation of the “ United Church of



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