King's Business - 1926-10


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

October 1926


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Interesting Stories from Real Experience As told by Bible Institute Workers--------—

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I L V a n g e l l S t l C L J e p a r t r n e n t


lan lady to open her house, for a Bible class, for high school girls, and it was a very unique experience, in many instances quite laughable, at the same time sad. However this was the turning point and we began to see how God was answering our prayers, and the testing time did us all good. We final­ ly had a four weeks contest with an­ other school and at the closing day of the contest we had fifty four present, and won the contest. Many of the girls who came into the club during the contest Joined us, and^t the close of the school year we haw over forty on the roll. Our closing meeting was certainly an Inspiration. The girls gave such ringing, true testimonies as to how God had answered their prayers since they had come to know Him better through the study of His Word and the friendship and fellowship of Christian girls. Many of these girls consecrated their lives to God, and many found Him and accepted Him as their Saviour. We are 100 per cent Christian, and all anxiously looking forward to the winter season, when we hope to do more in wjpning others to the Lord. Although during the summer many are in active service, some teaching Sunday school and others helping in daily vacation Bible school, it does us good sometimes to look backwards and see how the Lord has led us, and in His own Word we praise and thank Him. Deut. 8:2: “ And thou shalt re­ member all the way which the Lord thy God led thee.” M BIOLA HALL David Cant, Supt.—Our City Miaaion for Men in the center of Los Angeles. Meetings con- tinuous front 10 •, m. to 10 p. in* Noon-day Prayer Meeting. [to give out the message. So apart from tract distribution, we confine most of our activities to personal work. Many Interesting interviews, with some definite results, is the happy outcome. One such was a young Hebrew Rabbi, hungry of heart and soul, yet fearful to step over the line “ because of the Jews" and the terrific persecution which invariably follows such a step from Judaism into the glorious liberty of -the Son of God. As he turned sorrowfully away we felt in some little measure the fellow­ ship of our Lord’s suffering in similar circumstances in the days of His flesh, URING the time when the In­ stitute is closed and the stu­ dents- are scattered we have very few workers at Biota Hall whom we can count on

BIBLE WOMEN’S WORK Mrs. A. L. D e n n i s , Supt.—Twenty-five Women Engaged in House-to-House Personal Work, Bible Classes and Soul Winning Clubs. A Nuntius Club Product H HE following Is an extract from a letter from the grand­ mother of one of the boys in one of the Junior Nuntius Clubs, taught by one of the Bible women: “ I feel that I cannot let this term close without expressing to you my hearty appreciation of the work you have done and the Influence you have had over our boy. While he is very impulsive and also nervous, his great ambition seems to be to read his Bible and he is always ready to attend re­ ligious service. I will give you a little instance: About three weeks ago one of his Sunday-school classmates had a birthday party. They were going to Sycamore Grove Monday after school. I asked him if he was going, and his answer was, 'Why Grandma, this afternoon is Nuntius Club meeting. I can’t leave that for a party.’ "It does not matter how late he is up at night, he always reads his Bible before going to ' bed. We generally have our reading together, and I am often surprised at his knowledge of the Bible. He takes far more interest in his Sunday-school class, 'Nuntius Club, and his Bible than he does in his school. I am anxious to know whether you will take up the work after vacation. If not I hope there may be something, somewhere, that W------- may be kept under such in­ fluence." This boy is not of the effeminate type— but a real live wire, full of fun, and unusually fond of play. But the Lord is in bis heart, and he has de­ cided that some day he wants to carry the Gospel to those who know it not. The Children’s Hour "The Children’s Hour” of KTBI has brought us i n , contact with many friends of radio land, both young and old. The many letters we have re­ ceived telling of home and pets and playmates, have quite acquainted us with each other. Over three hundred Gospels of John have been sent to these little friends, and from the “ thank you" letters re­ ceived, it is evident they have been read. One little letter caused our hearts to rejoice as we read, " I have finished reading my Gospel of John and have given myself away to Jesus." Our older friends, too, seem to have been blest through the ministry of the children, Judging by this word from one of the letters: “ The simplicity

The evangelistic activities of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, as related on this page of The King’s Business from month to month, should enlist your con­ tinued prayerful interest. You yourself may join forces with these consecrated workers by “holding the ropes” as they launch out into the turbulent sea of sinful humanity, and thus as a coworker with them secure the ultimate "well done. . . . ^ enter into the joy of thy Lord.”

and genuineness of their childish faith awakens within one some of the reli­ gious fervor we once knew.” We have learned, too, that many of our listeners live in places where there are no Sunday schools, and others where the distance to the nearest church is twenty or thirty miles. To these little friends our “ Children’s Hour” is their only Sunday school. For this privilege, and all df the other blessings attending this work, we thank the Heavenly Father, and ask you to pray His continued bless­ ing. “ Lest We Forget” It is well for us sometimes to take a look backwards and see what won­ derful things the Lord hath wrought for us, and how many prayers have been answered during the past year. In doing so we are thinking of one of our Euodia Clubs, which for a time it seemed as if we would have to close. It seemed impossible to get more than five or six girls each meeting, but these were real consecrated girls, who believed in a prayer hearing and a prayer answering God, and many a time we would turn the meeting into a prayer time. Finally we decided to change this location, and after a long afternoon going from house to house we finally had a home offered us quite near to the school. This being in a wealthy residential district was not so easy as one would expect, for a Chrlst-

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