King's Business - 1926-10

October 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


Tke H m tB Bible In titn t® (the China Department o f the Bible Institute o f Los An­ g eles) is organised along sim ­ ilar lines to the home In sti­ tute,— training native Chinese young men and women fo r Christian work, and at the same time carrying on an a c ­ tive evangelistic w ork among the unsaved. The w ork (which Is re co g ­ nised by the different evan­ gelical m issions as one o f tne best in China) has three de- partments: ( 1 ) A B i b 1 e In stitote at Changsha (the capital oity of Hunan P rovin ce). (3 ) Thirteen E vangelistic Bands w ith thirteen men In each band, devoting the morn­ ings to Bible study, and the afternbons to giving the G os­ pel In the native homes. The picture herew ith shows the earnest members o f Band No. T. (S) The A a t a m n Bible School and Conference at Nan- yoh (one o f China’s five sacred mountains.) Hundreds o f con ­ versions have resulted from the w ork done among the thousands o f pilgrims.

of the Gospel of John, writing his name and date upon the page of ac­ ceptance, and as, later on, we came to the parting of the ways, he gripped our hand, and with broken words of gratitude, gave us to understand that just as soon as his knee bowed to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ all the resistance and opposition vanished. This was the point which had been brought to our remembrance when we lifted our heartB for guidance. Surely “ man’s extremity is God’s op­ portunity.”— “ As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow." Thrice blessed all those who by His sovereign grace can now confess Jesus as Lord for they too shall join in the great chorus. “ Look ye Baints, the sight is glorious. See the man of sorrows now; From the fight return victorious, Every knee to Him shall bow. Crown Him! Crown Him! Angels crown Him! Crown the Saviour King of kings." a». f t . WORK AMONG THE JEWS David L Cooper, Supt.—Bible Classes and Personal Work. Street Meetings and Semi­ monthly Mass Meetings for Jews of Los Angeles. Vacations month of August is the regular vacation time for the workers of the Institute; hence, all the workers have been away and little work, in comparison with other times, has been accomplished. Let us not think that this is time lost, because vacation times are times when the workers re- (Continued on page 693)

parting of the ways, we were asked to come to the rescue. There seemed nothing else to do but go over the same “ line upon line and precept upon precept,” simply cloth­ ing the message with a different per­ sonality; but each time we struck that same snag. Finally we recalled the experience of a great soul winner, and one statement in particular was brought to our memory. We suggest­ ed we all kneel in prayer. Suiting the action to the word we two, one on either side, knelt. Then hesitantly, al­ most reluctantly, and very slowly he too bowed the knee. There was liberty in prayer on the part of both of us in his behalf. Then turning to the kneel­ ing figure beside us, we asked him if he could say after us, “ Lord Jesus, I believe Your Word that You died for all my sins and bore them on the cross of Calvary.” Then slowly, as if the deep significance of their import was being gripped, he repeated them. We then added, “ and I here and now re­ ceive Thee as my own personal Sav­ iour, and will confess You as such be­ fore men." These also were pondered over, before utterance. As we rose to our feet and again turned to our books, we were conscious that the power of unbelief had been snapped, for he gladly took the proffered copy

and our prayer went up that the deep­ ening hunger of his heart might yet constrain this H e b r e w Rabbi to count the cost and eventually yield to the gracious wooing of the Spirit of God. ■ We are assured the poverty of this fine young man’s heart will draw him back again, and we invite the prayers of God’s dear children in his behalf. Is there anything too hard for the Lord to do? The apostle Paul writes of being ‘‘all things to all men" that he “ might win some," while our Lord Jesus Himself never dealt exactly the same way with two needy souls. Following Him, we too will use various tactics to gain the attention, interest, desire and consent of men. Quite recently one of our faithful workers laboured very earnestly and prayerfully to win a man to the Lord Jesus Christ, and for nearly two hours with Bible in hand, he went over the passages pointing the way of salva­ tion. Each time as he came to the place of a definite decision and waited there was a consciousness of -Satanic blocking. Over and over again he patiently and lovingly retraced the ground, only to meet that same im­ penetrable wall of opposition. Every passage of the Word was ap­ parently accepted as the very truth of God. A desire to believe to the saving of the soul, a dearth, hunger, thirst, longing— all were in some measure there, more discerned than openly ex-, pressed, for the dear fellow was of a most reticent nature and found it dif­ ficult to give any expression to the inward conflict. Finally, exhausted and seemingly at a loss just what next to do, shrinking from parting with an anxious soul who was almost at the

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