King's Business - 1926-10

October 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


Practical Methods of Personal Work FOR DEFENDERS OF THE FAITH T. C . HORTON

“ We talked quite a while. She signed the acceptance blank and took a Testament and other literature. A complete ‘right-about-face* in less than half an hour. "That case is not exceptional as one might think. They hold out against the Holy Spirit as long as they can, but His drawing power is irresistible and the turning about is sudden and complete. “ They all say the same thing: ‘Now I will have peace.’ The poor people want peace but they have no idea how to go about getting it; they try this and that cult but still have no peace. We who have it withhold the words that would give it to them. “ Every one who knows the truth and does not tell it, is responsible for the death of some soul— a murderer! “ People say to me, ‘Oh, I couldn’t do that. You could, but not I. They would think me crazy. Besides, they would probably slam the door in my face, and I’d feel like a fool.’ “We ought to put any humiliation we might feel beside the humiliation of the cross, and then feel our souls shrink and shrivel away to nothing­ ness! “ What if people do reject us and smile pityingly? “ What if Christian friends do gently Insinuate the dread word ‘fanatic’ ? John the Baptist must havfe been one and our Lord Himself. Surely the servant is not greater than his Master. “ Let us give out the Word even if they do oppose themselves. They are the deluded ones, not we. “ I wish the ‘Foundation Facts’ and ‘God’s Plan for Saving Sinners’ were printed in tract form, also. Then we would be able to give them out with a more lavish hand than we do now.”

“THOU AND THY HOUSE" At last we have It,— the picture of our Defender who, with her eight chil­ dren, goes out to “ tell the story of Jesus and His love” to whoever will listen. We asked the little mother to send this picture to us, which she did, saying: "One of the boys was not at home when the picture was taken, but surely, seven children will do !” The mother is at the right of the back row in the group picture, as well as in the oval insert at the left. Look at her as, with Bible under her arm, she starts out to “ Do it Now", realiz­ ing that “ the night cometh when no man can work.” She tells us in her letter (from which we quote), how she goes about this blessed service: “ You did a wonderful thing when you wrote ‘Foundation Facts’ and ‘God's Plan for Saving Sinners’ ” (in the "Little Red Gospel of John” ). "It is so simple a small child can under­ stand it, but that their is the power of the Holy Spirit behind the, words, I can truly testify. I could tell of so many cases to prove this, but one will suffice. It proves, too, the value of boldness and persistence in the face of opposition. Equipped with the Word of God and the Holy Spirit, we have everything needed. . . . . “ Answering my ring this particular woman most emphatically refused a Gospel, tract or anything else. She was a Catholic and had a prayer book, which was, in her opinion, enough for anybody. “ She didn’t believe the Lord was coming again, and if He did come, it only meant death for all. “ So far as I could see she didn’t believe much of anything, and all she did believe was in the wrong direction, and she stood ready to slam the door in my face. "But I began to read

DO IT NOW! Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do with thy might. Eccl. 9 :10. The night cometh when no man can work. John 9:4. And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus. Col. 3 :17. Do the best you can, Do it like a man, Do it without sham. Do it now1 Do it with a zest,

Always do your best, Never mind the rest, Do it nowl Do it while you may, E’er night succeeds to day, Never mind the pay, Do it nowl Do it in His Name, Do it for His fame. He’s coming soon to reign, Do it nowl By doing you will learn To face the duties stern, Be brave—His smile you’ll Do it now/


Behold, now is the accepted time! 2 Cor. 6:2. —T. C. H. around me and said, ‘Thank God, you came and told me. There is so much trouble, and so much sin, all around, I never had any rest; but now it will be different. All the terrible things happening, I thought— ‘What’s the use?*

We have given this let­ ter somewhat at length, for it is really a little “ classic on soul-winning"— an il­ lustration of the principles set forth from month to month on this page. May not every Defender who reads it resolve anew to do their utmost, by lip and life, to fulfill the obli­ gation imposed upon every believer by our Lord, in the command, “ Occupy (do business) till I come," re­ membering that “ He that reapeth recelveth wages and gathereth fruit unto life eternal.” LESSON TWENTY-SEVEN In September we gave a list of the excuses most frequently met with by the Personal Worker, such as “ Skepticism," “ I am Doing

‘ Foundation Facts.’ That arrested her attention, but she still looked as if she was prepared to close the door at any moment. So —working against time— I quoted to her Romans 10:9. “ She opened the door wider then, and began to put up arguments against everything I had said. I showed her the references and opened the Bible to prove the words were there, but she still took a determined stand against everything. “ But I kept right on and she listened, apparently very much against her will. Suddenly she let go of the door and exclaimed: ‘It’s true; I know it’s the truth!* "She put her a r m s

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