King's Business - 1926-10


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

October 1926

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C o m m e n t s b y R e v . v . v . M o r g a n

Ch r i s t i an Lnd e a v o r l o p i c s

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church, whose chief business la to bring sinners to the feet of Jesus. They could pull together for they had a common Interest or objective— the healing of their friend. When we are absorbed in our work, we will forget our differences and unite to accomp­ lish the task He has committed to us. A real burden for souls— a passion to bring men to the Lord— will go a long way toward uniting Christian workers. If we were more solicitous for the sal­ vation of men and less absorbed with our own selfish desires and pride, more sin-sick souls would be brought to the feet of Christ. The Pardon— Forgiveness fully and freely given by the only One who can and who forgives on the basis of His

19:14). The man with the best mind is the one who has the “ mind of Christ.” The hands— The all-around educa­ tion includes the training of the hands for skilled, productive toil. Our coun­ try greatly needs thousands of young people to become highly skilled farm­ ers, builders, mechanics, foresters, etc. A grave mistake has been made by so many American parents in neglecting this part of their children’s education. Milton said, "Education is that which fits a man to perform justly, skillfully, magnanimously all the of­ fices, public and private, in church and state.” Spurgeon said, “ Let the Bible be thy standard classic, thy last appeal

OCTOBER 3, 1026 What is Education? How Get It? How Use It? Rom. 12:1-3; 2 Tim. 2:16 (Consecration Meeting) . Man is trinity in unity, consisting of spirit, soul and body, so the edu­ cated man is one who is trained and mature in these three parts. To edu­ cate means "to draw out," and all teaching should make a three-fold ap­ peal— to the heart, to the head, and to the hands of man. It is impossible to educate the heart o f a man without the Word and the Spirit of God. The natural man Is dead in trespasses and sins; dead to spiritual .things; and since it is im­

substitutionary w o r k accomplished on t h e cross1 (Col. 1:14; Acts 10:43; Rom. 3:24, 26; Isa. 63:6, 6; Heb. 9: 22-26). The Protest— Caused by envy. Satan and his followers always oppose the Lord. , The Physical Healing — Visible evidence of His power on earth to forgive sin. He em­ powers us to walk up­ rightly and victoriously in the midst of a world of temptation and sin. In the second Scrip­ ture we note that the source of division and strife is carnality, while the secret of true'co-op­ eration is spirituality. In ratio to its spiritual life the c h u r c h will function harmoniously. If the many and var­ ied members of a human body fall to work har­

possible to educate that which is dead, man must first be made alive, that is born again through faith in Jesus Christ, and thus arrive at a po­ sition in which to be taught spiritual things. The beginning of wis­ dom is the fear of the L o r d (Psa. 111:10), while the acme of all knowledge is to know HIM (John 17:3; Phil. 3:10; 1 Cor. 1:24, 30). A cleansed, regenerated heart must precede an educated brain or irre­ parable harm is done to humanity. Man with a keen, well-trained mind and an unpurified heart is the greatest menace to God and society. One of the greatest educators, Dr. Arnold, said: “ To give a man a Christian education is to make him love God as well as know Him;

A Winner of Souls. > im h >> mi *, to S M t * . i m MU, laaUMli «C Lm I

M. O. T.

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(This U taktil from » Book of Choruueu published by Biola Book Boom; compiled by Prof. Horbort G. Tovey.)

moniously— if there is a lack of coor­ dination—we rightly conclude that the body is sick, likewise something is wrong with the professing members of the church of Christ when they do not work together. See Eph. 4:12-16, es­ pecially v. 16. Study carefully 1 Cor. 12:12-31. OCTOBER 17, 1026 What Ideals Are Found in the Constitution o f the United States? Rom. 13:1-8 (Citizenship Day) One of the most notable of all hu­ man documents is the Constitution of the United States. It was drawn up by one of the greatest bodies of men ever assembled, from the physical, mental and moral standpoint. Never­ theless, after five weeks of heated and vain discussion they were ready to ad­ journ without succeeding in devising (Continued on page 691)

in all matter of contention; let Its light be thine illumination and thou shalt become more wise than Plato, more truly learned than the sages of antiquity." OCTOBER 10, 1026 How To Pull Together Mark 2:1-6; 1 Cor. 3:1-9 Surely everyone realizes the import­ ance of pulling together, but how sometimes is difficult. In the story in the second of Mark there are four co­ laborers, each with a job. What if one man had dropped his corner? The story may be outlined as follows: The Preacher— vs. 1 and 2. Our Lord Himself, proclaiming the Word of God. The Paralytic— a type of the sin­ ner, crippled and paralyzed by sin and literally helpless and hopeless. The P a r t n e r s— Typical of the

to make him have faith in Christ as well as to have been taught the facts that He died for our sins, and rose again; to make him open his heart eagerly to every impulse of the Holy Spirit, as well as to have been taught the fact as It is In the Nicene Creed, that He is the Lord and Giver of spir­ itual life." No man is educated who does not know the Bible, and the man who has a thorough knowledge of the Book of books is educated, though he may not be college trained. “ There is not an educated, aggressive, prosperous na­ tion on earth, where the Bible Is a closed or forbidden Book.” The N““ »—The mind of man needs developing and training. Man’s think­ ing is corrupted by sin, twisted by prejudice, warped by selfishness and perverted by pride and so needs to be brought under the control of Christ (See 2 Cor. 10:6; Phil. 4:8, 9; Psa.

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