King's Business - 1926-10


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

October 1926

YourMistakes inEnglish STANDOUT! Y OU can not hide your mistakes in English— they stand out sharply, giving others an un- fortunate impression of you. You may not make such glaring errors as “ He don’t,” “ You was,” “ I ain’t.” But perhaps you may make other mistakes which offend the ears of cultured people, and cause them to judge you unfairly. »6 Canthardly” No one will correct your mistakes in English. People are too polite. They fear you will feel insulted, and unconsciously you keep on making the same mistakes. And, though you may think your English is good, it may be dotted with errors which others notice, and which destroy many of your opportunities for advancement. What Can You Do? For many years Sherwin Cody studied the problemof creating the habitof using good English. After countless experiments, he finally invented a simple method, by which you can acquire a better command of the English language in only l j minutes a day. Under old methods rules are memorized, but correct habits are not formed. Soon the rules themselves areforgotten. The new SherwinCody method provides, on the contrary, for theformation of correct habits by constantly calling attention only to the mistakes you ma^e—and then showing you the right way, so that correct English soon becomes “ second nature.” Already over 41,000 people have used this method with the most marked results. FREE Book on English A commandofpolishedandeffectiveEnglishdenoteseduca­ tionandculture. It winsfriendsandfavorablyimpressesthose with whomyou comeincontact. Now, in onlytf minutes a day—inyour own home—you can actually see yourself im­ prove by usingMr. Cody’s “ ioo% SelfCorrectingMethod. A new book explaining Mr. Cody s invention is ready, it you are ever embarrassed by mistakes in grammar, spelling, punctuation, pronunciation, or if your vocabulary is limited, this new free book, “How to Speak and Write Masterly English,"will provearevelationto you. Sendthecouponor a letter or postalcardfoeit now. SHERWIN CODY SCHOOL OF ENGLISH 7310 Searle Building Rochester. N. Y. 7310 Searle Building, Rochester, N.Y. Please send me your free book, “ How to Speak and Write Masterly English." Name -------------- -------------------------------------------------- - Address ---------- ■ City. ________.---------------- State ---------------------------- Sherwin Cody School o f English “Hedon’t” “Youwas”

olics, Protestants, and Greek Catholics — and representatives from the lead­ ing pagan religions of the world will sit as delegates. To those who are fa­ miliar with the prophetic Word such a conference is no surprise, but is a rapid stride toward the politico-reli­ gious conference mentioned in the sec­ ond- Psalm. This conference, sche­ duled for 1930, seems to deal only with the religious questions; whereas the conference mentioned in Psalm 2 is a world one in which the “ kings of the earth and the rulers" sit as dele­ gates and legislate against “ Jehovah and His anointed." In other words, this world conference is an atheistic, political gathering for the purpose of wiping out Judaism and Christianity from the earth; and as we learn from other Scriptures, at that time there will be established the religion of man, the moving spirit of which is “ the man of sin, the son of perdition, he that oppoBeth and exalteth himself against all that is called God, all that is wor­ shipped; so that he sitteth in the tem­ ple of God, setting himself forth as God.” Note the following announce­ ment: A universal Religious Peace Con­ ference is being organized, to be held in Geneva, Switzerland in 1930. There will be four Jews among 69 members of an executive committee. Catholics, Protestants, Eastern Orthodox, Bud­ dhists, Moslems, Hindoos, Zoroasters, Confucians, Shintoists, Jains, Sikhs and Taoists also will be on the com­ mittee. Trade Education in Palestine It is interesting to note that the Zionistic movement is laying a good and substantial foundation for the restoration of the homeland. In order to do this thing they have introduced a new vocational educational system which will solve in many ways the problems arising from such a great in­ flux of population as at present, which bids fair to increase more rapidly. Note the following from the “ New Palestine” of August 20: One of the most important innova­ tions that may be introduced in Pal­ estine now is Industrial Education. There seems to be no greater need at this time than to give the men and women who emigrate from Poland, Russia, Roumania, and other European countries that training which will make them self-supporting and inde­ pendent in the land to which they turn for relief and peace. There is now an excellent opportun­ ity to provide for this by organizing a Department of Industrial Education in the Hebrew University, for the pur­ pose of training instructors in the art of teaching some of the most needed trad6B. As the training course is it should devolve upon these skilled men and women to undertake the training of the great army of colonists who are constantly entering the gates of Pal­ estine. Technical or trade schools would have to be provided for the pur­ pose of such instruction; and, besides these schools, there would also be necessary a Bureau of Vocational Guidance, whose task it would be to And the proper trade for each student before he enters the training class.


It is a hard road that leads to a soft ]ob. • — o— If talk is cheap then some preachers certainly are overpaid. — o— It is often risky business to appeal to a man’s intelligence. — o— ’Tis better far to fail and fall, than never to have tried at all. It takes some pluck to appear to be happy when you are really peeved. — o— If our laws had sharper teeth there would be a lot more respect for them. If you are training to throw your worst enemy you must wrestle with yourself. — o— Live close to the Lord and He will whisper into thine ear the secrets of His heart. Prohibition may be a “ blue” law, but its enforcement has helped many a man to turn white. If the heart does not go with the hand in the marriage ceremony then— fear for the future. — o— Don’t spend your time borrowing trouble. There will always be enough on hand to supply you. — o—- There are a dosen people who are ready to push a man down for one who will help to pull him up. Many Christians might have had a call to special service for the Lord had they been within calling distance. Music may have charms to soothe the savage breast, but some of the music (? ) we hear stirs up the savage in us. . — o— If Ananias had lived in thiB age he would no doubt have been a successful seller of property in the “ out-lying” districts. When Sunday comes the choice lies between “ automobillzing” with the crowd, or “ m o b i l i z i n g " wi th the Christians. — o— If a fish goes home at night and tells about the big bait it stole from the hook, what a wave of laughter the waters would bring. Children learn much more from their parents than the parents realize. That is one reason why we have so many young criminals. —T. C. H.

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