King's Business - 1926-10

October 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


ual, mental and physical needs of the thousands who come from every nation on earth. Let us not forget that this opportunity involves a great responsi­ bility. Many of these peoples are totally ignorant of the work of Jesus Christ on the Cross of Calvary, of the blessed assurance that comes from faith in Him and of the gracious, keep­ ing power manifested to those who believe in Him. New York is America’s largest, wealthiest, busiest and most foreign city, and its greatest foreign mission field. The average population is 17,- 841 a square mile, that of London is 10,789„a square‘ mile. Out of a total population of 5,500,000 in greater New York nearly .2,000,000 are for­ eign born, 2,250,000 have one or both parents foreign born, only 1,000,000 are of native born parents. In other words about 76.4 per cent of the popu­ lation is foreign or of foreign born par­ entage. There are 136,000 English in the city, 584,000 Germans, more than the population of Dresden; more Aus­ trians than in any city of Austria save Vienna; more Hungarians than in any Hungarian city except Budapest; more Norwegians than in Stavanger, the fourth largest city in Norway, and more Swedes than in Norrkoping, the fourth largest city of Sweden; 56,000 Rumanians; 23,000 Greeks; more Italians than in any city of Italy, in­ cluding Rome; 14,000 Spanish; 48,000 French; many unclassified nationali­ ties— Danes, Hollanders, Belgians, arid others. It has twice as many Irish as in Dublin; 250,000 more Russians than in Leningrad; and there are more Jews than there were in Palestine in the reign of King Solomon.— Mission­ ary Review. The Evangelistic Committee of New York is 21 years old. Its report for 1925 is a live document, telling of a most successful year, with large va­ riety in its activities, and suggestive of what can be don’e every year in many cities. The attendance at meetings reached the aggregate total of 463,760. The number of meetings held was 2959.. There were 233 centers, com-, prising open air, shop and factory, tents, institutions, churches, halls, boarding homes and private homes. Adult meetings were held in Eng­ lish, Greek, Italian, .Hungarian, Scan­ dinavian and Russian. Many open air meetings were conducted in foreign­ speaking districts, reaching a large number of the radical element. Meet­ ings were conducted in as many as fourteen languages. Practically every country of the globe was represented by the attendance at the meetings. The noon-day shop meetings are large­ ly among foreigners.— Record of Christian Work. The New York Bible Society dis­ tributed 58,000 copies of the Bible to immigrants arriving at Ellis Island and 120,000 copies to sailors and seamen from all parts of the world. These Bibles were printed in 16 foreign lan­ guages, with paralleled columns in English. lb? Use the coupon on page 618 for your Christmas gift subscriptions to The King's Business.

this means that we must spend much time in prayer and communion with the Lord. All great men of God have been men of prayer. The proper kind and the correct amount of food is essential for both physical and spiritual well-being. If we are to be strong for God there must be the daily feeding upon the Word of God. , ■ As physical muscle is developed by constant exercise so spiritual muscle is produced. The lack of real, definite work for the Lord is th.e cause of much weakness and feebleness among God’s people. No Christian work so strength­ ens and develops one as personal work — the individual effort to win individ­ uals to the Lord. Self-control, or temperance, is necessary foif success in the game of life. The body must be kept under, for the. fight is too hard and long, the prize too precious and the issues too vital for any of us to be less than our very best. There must be the complete removal of all impediments,— things that may be harmless in themselves may hinder us from being our very best. Do not say, what harm is there in it, but what good is there— will it help me to be in a better condition for the fight. To he fit for the task we must study to avoid those thoughts, actions and amusements which would weaken us spiritually, and to engage in those thoughts, actions and recre­ ations that would strengthen us. Let us not be satisfied with being little runts, but let us by the grace of God be giants for Him. , It is absolutely necessary that we keep away from “ tanglefoot”— the theaters, the dance halls and the other worldly amusements and entangle­ ments. (2 Cor. 5:10; 2 Tim. 4:6-8; Phil. 2:16; 1 Cor. 3:11-15; Phil. 3: 14; 2 Tim. 2:5, 15; 1 Pet. 2:11-17). OCTOBER 81, 1026 What are the Good Points o f the Various Races in America? Acts 10:24-38 (Missionary Meeting)- In America we have a wonderful opportunity to minister to the spirit-

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