King's Business - 1926-10


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

October 1926

$ 1 A A . O O Cor y o u r C h u r c h lU l / o r S u n d a y S c h o o l m « ADDITIONAL AWADDS » C A — 1 Z BAMWMO DOWN f*OS 5 ^ " You can maka big money for your church or its organiaatijne by selling our beautiful colored C h r is tm a s S e a ls ^ Any child can easily sell a dollars worth. We send 100 asats., easily sold for *10.00. without any advance payment. “ •»» [!* sponsible adult in your church. When sold, send us only *5 and put *5 in your church or 8. 8. treasury. In addition we give a cash award of *100 to the church selling the most before Christmas, and 12 other awards as ex- nlained in circular sent with semis. Get started at once. SEND NO MONEY. We trust you till seals are »old. D„ t 422-R FREE! FREE! FREE! Would you like to know what God Is dots« through Beacon Light Illation la a Naat osllod by Now York ncwpapcrt the ' Worst P o t Spot of Now York." and In a vicinity when murders occur froquaatlf. and where men and women uvo In riotous slnf If so, wrlto for the following pamphlets: "Rescuing the Perishing from the Undar- world of Now York with tho O ie*«l** “Cheering Words on tho Work of Boacaa Light Mission.** “ Reaching tho Children. ’ "Beacon Light Mission’s Gnat Opper- tunity." Bond for tho fortgoing. Yon win understand what this Mission If doing night a ft« night nr the cause of Christ. Beans Light Mteeioa, 2350 3rd Aw .. Now York City Dsnais Mliras. Bapsrlatoadoat

EVANGELISTK2 DEPARTMENT (Continued rom page 674)

illustrated lectures given in the Jew­ ish sections several nights each week. At present we are planning on renting some vacant lots in the Jewish sec­ tions where we can spread our canvas for our lantern pictures and lecture to those who will come. We feel quite confident that we can preach the Gos­ pel to hundreds of Jews by the use of these vacant lots and lanterns whom we could under no circumstances reach otherwise. Pray that the Lord may guide and overrule all of His work, which He is doing through us, to His glory and to the salvation of souls. Prayer-sheet For the benefit of those who may not have read in previous issues of The King’s Business the announce­ ment that the Jewish Department sends out a prayer-sheet each week in which is listed a number of answers to prayer and also requests for prayer, the writer again wishes to state that this little bulletin will be mailed each week to anyone who is interested in Jewish work and who will remember this cause at the throne of grace. M SPANISH WORK Robert H. Bender, Supt.—Goepel Meetings and House to House Work among 50.000 Mexicans in Los AngeledQ^td Vicinity. “ 1 exhort therefore, that, first of alL sup­ plications, prayers, intercessions and giving of thanks be made for all mem for Kings, and for all that are in authority.’’ JOULD to God that all Christ­ ians would heed the above exhortation, for this is a time in the World’s crisis when we need to pray for all in au­ thority, And especially do we need to pray for the two presidents of the two great republics, the United States of America and the United States of Mex-

cuperate and store up energy for the coming year. Their absence from the field creates in their hearts a great longing for the work which the Lord has laid upon their hearts. The Forthcoming Tract This month, as the writer had op­ portunity, he has been working on a tract, which is one of the greatest needs of Jewish work today. Namely, a tract setting forth the Biblical teach­ ing concerning the God-head and Christ’s position in it. The title of this tract is to be “ The God of Israel — A Unity or a Tri-Unity 7" He has searched the original Hebrew text in hundreds of instances which have any bearing upon the subject. In addition to the search in the Hebrew he has in­ vestigated the Talmud and the Jewish encyclopaedia in his efforts to present the truth on this subject. This re­ search work has taken no little time and patience. The more he studies the question the larger it becomes and the more vast becomes the material which must be classified, assorted, and selected to be put into permanent shape in the form of a short, concise yet clear tract on the Trinity. May he ask all who are especially | Interested in the Jewish work to pray that the Lord may enable him to write the tract Just in the way in which it should be written, putting the matter so very clearly that even a little child may understand the message. Meetings During the month our street work was discontinued because of a lack of workers to assist. Recently Miss Goff, one of our workers, though on her vacation, gave two lantern lectures on Biblical pictures in the camp where she is. Miss Anna Cederlund, another one of our faithful workers who is spending her vacation with relatives in Grand Rapids, Mich., is not having much of a vacation, according to re­ ports from her, because she has had to speak to different groups constantly setting forth the Jewish work. We praise the Lord for the opportunities which He is granting her for present- ing the work, but if she continues at the same rate that she has been going for the last three weeks she will have very little vacation, but we praise God for her zeal and earnestness in taking advantage of every opportunity to push the work of God among His an­ cient people. On Monday night, August 23, in an old garage, the writer held a meeting in a Jewish section at which there were at least 60 people— men, women, boys and girls— present. During the meeting there was the verr best of interest and attention without the slightest noise to interrupt. God blessed the message. We will con­ tinue meeting in this garage on Mon- day nights so long as the Lord blesses and prospers the work. Plans for the Future When all of the workers and stu­ dents return it is our hope to have

•A simple, practical, sup- i l pleraentary set of Hand Work to bo used with tho I International Graded Lea­ rnseas for Beginners and Primary grades. Some­ thing for tho child to do •very Sunday in the year. The material for tho child is All Prepared. A Teach­ er’s Handbook. Send stamp for specimen pages. ; Miller PubNsMng Co. Salamanca. N. Y.

* 2 0 0 .??for Short Stories Regular magazine rotes In addition to cash prizes. Personal instruction In Story Writing. Endorsed by Arthur Stringer. Nalbro Bartley. Walt Mason. L. M. Montgomery. Free MS sales service. Booklet and Ability Teat on re- quest. NEW WORLD METHODS, Dept. K. B , 1120 Sth St., San Diego, Calif.

YOU SHOULD CONSIDER— the powerful influence of the weekly stream of Sunday School Literature in the lives of your young people . . . It should be . . Scriptural, Spiritual, Sound and Safe Premillennial, Practical, Pointed, Pure THE “ CHRISTIAN LIFE" SERIES SUNDAY SCHOOL LITERATURE meets this need . . . True to the Fundamentals of the Christian Faith . . Schools have testified that the use of this Series has not only increased the spirituality of the school, but has also increased the attendance . . A Full Line of Helps for Teachers and Scholars. Samples will be sent free on request. Union Gospol Proas - Box 6S0 ■Cleveland, Ohio

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