King's Business - 1926-10

October 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


whereby he might he self supporting, now asks that instead, we send the money to purchase a horse and cart, “ that I might do some carting, which is good pay and in that way I can reach many towns where never a Gos­ pel Messenger has been.” We have written and asked him to advise us how much he needs. In his last letter he tells of many towns visited and meetings held. He also relates the testimonies of s o m e conversions of notorious characters and how they are rejoicing in the Lord for the change in their lives. Ano th e r worker, (native) also writes that so far there are fifty five real converts, and that they have for­ saken all their sinful habits. He says he does not count those who make a profession only, and continue in some sinful practice. Praise God for one man who does not seek numbers only but rather definite conversions. An­ other also recently opened her home for a Sunday School and invited a young -evangelist to preach one Sun­ day evening. On giving the invitation seventeen accepted the Saviour. She wrote that she has twenty three wait­ ing for baptism. Thus the Lord is working in call­ ing many out of darkness into His marvelous light. Therefore, we covet your prayers for God’s blessing to rest upon these native Mexicans, that they may be protected during these trouble­ some times, also that we may have wisdom from above in the work of the Lord. m SEAMEN’S DEPARTMENT Claud, H. Pearson, Supt.—Our workers board all vessels in the port of San Pedro, holding Gospel Services and Distributing Literature. |OR some time Mr. Allen Dun­ ham has been visiting one section of the harbor one day a week, which he called a rest day. He also spent his vacation at the harbor and visited many vessels which we had been un­ able to reach. When we returned from our vacation he had written us of sev­ eral Interesting incidents he had en­ joyed. We are passing them to our readers this month. "A Portuguese (Catholic), lately reading an English Bible, thanked me over and over again for bringing the Gospel message to him; as he had been prepared by the Word of God to see his need, and God was all ready to give the increase, we had the joy of seeing him born again by the Word of God. (1 Peter 1:23.) “ An English engineer, through home troubles and cares of the world, had let the Bible be choked out of hiB life. Prepared for the message through lis­ tening to sermons over the radio he was soon led by the worker to take up the Bible again, and bear fruit unto life eternal.” The German crews -often claim their pay Is so small that they are unable to have a Bible. This is an open door to us because we never receive a cent from any of the men for literature or Bibles. We know this is merely an excuse, for their

lco respectively; for both have one common enemy. ' Mexico is going through trouble­ some times Just as did many of the European nations when they sought freedom from the domination of Ro­ manism. While all Latin American countries have a republican form of government, they are nearly all domi­ neered by Romanism, which is a curse and blight to any land that it con­ trols. The Eucharistic congress recent­ ly held in Chicago is only another manifestation of their desire to cap­ ture and dominate our beloved and free country of America. If there ever was a time for us to watch and pray, it is now, hence the above exhortation. While Romanism has controlled all of Latin America for the past four hundred years, yet we find its people are sick of its corruption and are hungering for the true bread from heaven. We know whereof we speak, having labored among Romanists the past twenty nine years — eighteen years in Central America, where hund­ reds and thousands were delivered from Roman superstition, Ignorance and idolatry, and translated into the kingdom of His dear Son. Also the past eleven years preaching to the Mexicans in our midst in Southern California and now through our con­ verts in Mexico. One of the members of our Bible class, now in Mexico, who previously asked us to send a washing machine,

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