King's Business - 1926-10

October 1926


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

AGENTS: $14aDay W© want men and women agents now to BellZanol non-alcoholic food flavors: Put up in tubes instead of bottles. Ten times as strong as bottled flavors. Guaranteed under 0 . S. laws. All flavors. Used every day. Every home in your community will buy. Repeat or­ ders. Steady, profitable business.

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United Presbyterian Church will also participate with the Methodist in this Bible Conference, the second held there. — o— THE CROSS Long aeons past shall look in vain Golgotha’s mystery to explain And when Time’s clock shall strike no more Eternity shall sing the lore Of grace told out so full so free Upon the Cross of Calvary. Of all events by seers foretold Or storied songs that bards unfold No sweeter story e’er was sung Than that with which the heavens rung When seraph’s song on Beth’lem’s plain Announced the coming Prince’s reign. The nations of the earth shall see The glorious Christ of Calvary In highest majesty enthroned With royal diadem be crowned The object of angelic praise Through heaven’s everlasting days. — John M. Dunkerton. ¿l/c. jjMi, as METHODIST BISHOPS SEE CRISIS FOR CHURCH An appeal to Methodist Episcopal ministers to preach with increasing conviction the essentials of the Chris­ tian faith was recently made by the Board of Bishops of that denomina­ tion. That church has 4,500,000 actual members in the United States and claims 10,000,000 adherents. The ap­ peal in part follows: “ The Christian Church has passed through many crises. It is faced to­ day with the social crisis and is find­ ing its way through this complex period by Insisting that the solution of social problems will come about only as the Gospel of Christ is applied prac­ tically and persistently to all human relationships. “ The imperative need of the hour is a definite and unfaltering spiritual note. The restless multitudes #re cry­ ing out not for information so much as inspiration concerning a living, lov­ ing God.”— Exchange.. SAMUEL, MORRIS—The story o f an A fr i­ can boy who came to Am erica to learn o f the H oly Spirit. Thousands helped by it. W e know o f no book that w ill warm hearts like this. Order a copy, 10c; 20 fo r $1.00, postpaid. Golden Rule Book Shop, Albion, MFchigan. ' Wheaton College (r a d ia t e w a n t s opening in fundamentalist church. P ri­ mary desire to preach Christ crucified. Communicate w ith Paul R. Jackson, W ibaux, Montana.

David Alexander, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Grundy Center, and past president of the Iowa Association, resigned his pastorate at Grundy Cen­ ter to accept a call to the Waverly Road Baptist Church of Toronto, Can­ ada. Iowa Fundamentalists will be sorry to lose this staunch contender for. the faith from among their num­ bers. But there is a great work to be done in Toronto, and Mr. Alexander is a young man and anxious to work in a wider field. We trust the Lord will use him in a mighty way, and send a strong Fundamental leader to Iowa to take his place here. — o— The Des Moines Bible Association has added another department to its work, i. e., Gospel team work. This team will' be made up of a number of spiritual and talented laymen, who can preach the Gospel, and who have a passion for souls, and are willing to go out to country churches, school houses, poor farms, jails, and hospi­ tals to hold Gospel meetings and seek to lead souls to Christ. John Schutt is president of this Gospel team, and pastorsare requested to co-operate with him by giving him the names of any men, young or old, in their congrega­ tions, who are fitted for this work. Young women who can sing, or play the piano, and who want to work for the Lord, are also desired to go along with these Gospel teams, and assist in the singing. — o— Max Wertheimer, converted Rabbi of Ada, Ohio, will be the teacher at the first Autumn Conference of Des Moines Bible Association, to be held Sunday, Oct. 3rd, 4th and 5th in the Central Presbyterian Church, Des Moines, Iowa, Roy Brown, Pastor. His subjects will be as follows: Sunday 3:00 P. M-> A Fundamental Psalm; Sunday, 7:30 P. M., A First Century Message to' the Twentieth Century Church. Monday, 3:00 P. M., The Three Appearings of Jesus Christ. Monday, 7:30 P. M., The Queerest Book in the Bible. Tuesday, 3:00 P. M., The Lamb In the Revelation. Tuesday, 7:30 P. M., How Will the Millennium Be Ushered In? Immediately following the Des Moines Conference, Mr. Wertheimer will hold a Bible Conference in the First Methodist *Church of Newton, Iowa. Mr. Stewart, Pastor. The

INDIVIDUAL COMMUNION SERVICE CO Room3S6 1701-1705 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia,Ito. EVANGEUST “ CHET’ CANNON the Original “Gospel Joy Singer’s" Songs “The Blood Covenant**—* 'The Sweetest Story Ever Told"— ‘‘The Meeting in the Air*’-— “ Round the Throne’*—^“Can God Love a Sin­ ner Like Me”— "Jesua la So Real*’— "Since My Life Is Hid Away With Christ in God’*— “ It’a a Grand Old Book"— "I'm His Heir”— "Believe" 15c each, or entire lot $1.00 plus 10c postage. Evangelist “ Chet" Cannon, Music Publisher 127 So. Spring St., Los Angeles, Calif.

Beautify Furniture PROTECT FLOORS and Floor Coverings from injury by using Glass Onward Sliding Furniture Shoe. If your dealer will not sup­ ply yitnik write us. ONWARD MFQ. 0 0 . Menasha. Wis.

1 SELL QREETINQ CARDS You can earn $100.00 to $500.00 ever month sell­ ing personal and business Greeting Cards Individ­ ual or firm name process engraved on cards. Side line or full time. Weekly payments. Samples fret. OOSPEL TRUMPET CO. | Dept. 52 Andaraon, Indiana j Success or Failure is in the Pulpit The Puipit is the Preacher's Peculiar Province. Make it a force in your Church. The Old Mas­ ters were good on Homiletics. You Can be Too. 20 Lessons in Homil.tics. tbs Nrtlof Sermon Con­ struction. week by week or all at once . . . . $1.00 Union Biblo Seminary, Dept. K, Westfield, Ind. BORICH’S CHART On the Tabernacles in the Wilderness Painted in appropriate colors, size 6'9"x9' long, on heavy sheeting, with 69 Scriptural references, types and anti-types; ready to hang for iectures. Will deliver same for $25.00. Send 25c for photo of the chart, “ if it's a chart—we make it.'* B I O L A B O O K RO OM 6th and Hops Sts., - - Los Angeles, Cal.

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