King's Business - 1926-10

October 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


relation to Christ, for as the late Sir Stevenson Blackwood has said, “ Every man’s character Is tested by the way he treats Christ.” “ What think ye of Christ, is the test To try both your state and your scheme; You cannot be right in the rest, Unless you think rightly of Him.” (To be continued.)

strength Is derived from Him (Pea. 84: 5); who hearkens to Him ( Prov. 8 : 34) ; who has a holy fear before Him (Prov. 28: 14) ; and who through Him findeth wisdom and instruction (Prov. 3:13). The word for man is “ Adam” in the above Scriptures. How important is the right attitude of man towards God, and especially in

Do You Know These Books? JESUS THE MISSIONARY. Price $ .70 Most China Missionaries know i t Frequent orders come from India, and some institution» In the U. S. use it as text-book. One Mission made it the rule that every young missionary should have a copy. One lady bought six copies for Christmas presents. All missionary work should be modeled on that of the Lord. DEMONISM VERIFIED AND ANALYZED. Price $1.35 Ernest Gordon discovered It through a scurrilous review, and wrote In the S. 8. Times that the "study leaves no doubt as to the fact of Satanism.” Griffith Thomas wrote that "The effect of the whole presentation Is to bring overwhelming conviction that In many heathen lands demonism Is a fact." Leander 8. Keyser wrote of It as "an eye-opening and mlnd-compelllng book." The leading scientists of the world. Morton Prince. Lewellys P. Barker. Adolph Meyer, helped In the prepar­ ation of the book and wrote strong testimonials as to the scientific value of these studies. CHRIST OR BOLSHEVISM. Price $ .20 Goes to the root of Modernism, «bowing it to be a deeply laid plot, by undermining faith in the Bible, to overthrow all Christian governments, and destroy the Christian home-life. The above books may be ordered from Thu Presbyterian Committow of Publication Sixth St„ Richmond, Virginia, or from the author. Rev. Hugh W. White, DJ)^ Yencheng, Kiangsu, China Prices in gold, with postage included. IF A BRAKEMAN •lips when jumping across moving cars, it mean»— DEATH. Railroad men lead dangerous, lonely lives, and thousands are dying without Christ. So we publish the Railway Gospel News and send it over the lines. It is SOUND in the Faith; full of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus, premillennial, Fundamental, and gotten up in a way that appeals to railroad men. We urgently need subscribers; Would you like to have fellowship with us} Subscription $ 1.00 per year. JENNIE BALDWIN SHELLEY, Pacific Railroad, Wabuska, Nevada Pipa-Tona Folding Organ. 4 Octave Double Road. 5000 WANTED to soil Bible«, Testaments, good books and handsoma velvet Seriptura mottoes. Good commission. Send for Frao Catalog and Prftaa List GEORGE W . NOBLE, PUBLISHER D tg i No. 7C, Motion Bldg. Chicago» DL WORKERS DEAGAN TOWER CHIMES PLAYED BY ORGANIST FROM ELECTRIC KEYBOARD THE MEMORIAL SUBLIME LITERATURE INCLUDING TESTED PLAN FOR SECURING CHIMES SENT UPON REQUEST STANDARD SETS - $ 6 0 0 0 AND UP TH E HARVEST TRU L Y IS P L EN T EOU S In various part, of the world a Natlva Trained Christian may be supported In the work of God for an entire year for from $13. to $600. Literature free. NATIVE PREACHER CO. INC, Box K, 25 1 Fatrmount Rd, Ridgewood, N. J. In order to Introduce our Latest Modal Llbsrty Pipe-Tone Folding Organs either leatherette oovmd, or 3-ply oak case. Wa will accapt for a limited tlm. order, at $40.00 aach (Hat pric. $70.00.) A L WHITE UFO . CO. MS [ffik sM i five., CMs—e, HI. • " j i 1

A STORY OF FIVE FISHERMEN (Continued from page 566)

A Brief Summary of Results Tracts Distributed .......................8,750 Spanish Tracts Distributed........ 500 Testaments Distributed .............. 61 Gospels Distributed'_________ ___ 2,171 Spanish Gospels Distributed____ 100 Souls Won to Christ ______________ 90 In view of the conditions now exist­ ing in the world and the church, and the need— as never before— for defin­ ite, aggressive, soul-saving work for young men, we are convinced that there is a real need for just such an organization as the In te rna t i ona l Fishermen’s Club, .from which will go out scores, yes, hundreds, of just such bands of young men to win their fel­ lows to a definite acceptance of and surrender to Jesus Christ as Master and Lord— the only hope for poor, sin- sick humanity. Further information may be had from the Secretary, V. V. Morgan, 247 Claiborne Place, Long Beach, California. m NASHVILLE PASTOR PROTESTS Rev. Britton Ross, pastor of the Eastland Baptist Church, Nashville, Tennessee, writes to say that an un­ fortunate typographical error occurred in connection with the statement in the August Issue that his new church would cost $360,000. As a matter of fact, Mr. Ross says that it will cost but 165,000.00. And furthermore, while it is true that they have the largest auditorium In Nashville, they have not the largest membership. We are sure the members of the Eastland Baptist Church are glad they do not have to raise that extra 3295,000.00 which the printer added to the cost of the new church— but we are equally sure that It will not be long before the auditorium will be none too large for the membership. God bless the pastor of Eastland Baptist Church and every other church in Nashville which stands for the Old Bible and the Whole Bible.

meetings. The Lord seemed to be def­ initely leading so we moved there and prepared for a Week of service. Our first step was to canvass the little town and the surrounding districts with announcements of the meetings; and the people whom we invited seemed so friendly and pleasant that we were certain that the church would be well-filled. Seven-thirty o’clock came, the rusty, creaking old church bell was rung, and we waited for the crowds to gather— and we waited— but no crowds came! The Lord was thère, however, and in spite of there being but a handful' of people in the audience, we had a good time. The largest and most fruitful part of our work in Gardnerville was with the boys and girls. Afternoon chil­ dren’s meetings were conducted dur­ ing which forty-two laid their sins at the foot of the Cross, and toward the last, thé Lord worked In the hearts of some of the older ones too. The peo­ ple were just beginning to get warmed up and the attendance at the evening meetings was increasing, when the time for our dèparture came. We left behind, however, a happy band of boys and girls together with two older per­ sons in whose hearts the revival fire had been kindled by the Spirit of God. Aljter leaving'Gardnerville, our next and laBt work of any importance was the canvassing of the town of Bridge­ port, Calif, with Gospels of John. From there on, we drove hard; and, having had a little engine trouble and five or b I x punctures, we arrived home on' Wednesday, July 21st. - It has been an unforgettable exper­ ience, this Gospel trip, and each of us is grateful for the privilege of having a part In It. The purpose of the trip has been fulfilled even beyond our expectations: The Seed, the Word of God, has been sown in the hearts and homes of thousands; Borne of it has already sprung up and borne fruit. Let us pray that the greatest harvest may yet come.

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