King's Business - 1926-10

October 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


= = LOOKING FORWARD TO CHRISTMAS These books will mske splendid presents “Best” Books

given, that it signifies toothing more than the intermarriage of Cainites and Sethites, will not suffice when a deeper exam­ ination is made in the original languages. The term ‘Sons of God’ does not appear to have any other meaning in the Old Testament, than that of angels. "Some of the angels, with Lucifer, fell from their high estate in Heaven, and were banished from Heaven. Scrip­ ture clearly proves in many places that these fallen ones took up their abode ‘in the air,’ the Devil becoming, even as the Christ Himself said: ‘Prince of the power of the air.’ - "Now both Peter and Jude in their epistles allude to cer­ tain of these fallen, air-dwelling angels leaving their first estate, and the mention of their second fall is sufficiently clear to indicate their sin— intermarriage with the fairest of the daughters of men. Their name as given in the Old Testament, ‘Nephilim,’ means 'fallen ones.’ In their orig­ inal condition, as ange'ls in Heaven, they ‘neither married nor were given in marriage.’ It is too big a subject, Miss Judith-------.” Hurriedly, eagerly, for she wanted him to continue his topic, she said: "Call me Ju, or Judith, or Judy, Colonel, and drop the ‘Miss,’ and do please go on with this very wonderful subject." “ Thank you, Ju,” he laughed, then continuing his talk, he said: "It is far too big a subject, Ju, in all its details, to talk of here and now, but, broadly, the fact seems to me to remain, that fallen angels assumed human shape, or in some way held 'illicit intercourse with the women of the day, a race of giant-like beings resulting. For this foul sin God would seem to have condemned these doubly sinning fallen angels to Tartarus, to~be reserved unto Judgment. " ‘Now as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of Man,’ and-------” Judith Montmarte caught her breath sharply, and, in an unconscious movement of eager wonder, let her beautiful hand drop upon his wrist, as she gasped, “ you don’t think— you don’t mean— er— er— ; tell me, Colonel, do you mean to say that— ” “ I do mean,” he replied, “ that I am firmly convinced that so far has demonology increased— the door being opened by modern spiritualism— that I believe this poor old world of ours is beginning to experience a return of this association between fallen spirits and the daughters of men. Of course, I cannot enter into minute detail with you, Ju, but let me register my firm conviction, that I believe from some such demoniacal association there will spring the ‘Man of Sin’— ‘The Antichrist.’ ” At that Instant, to the utter amaze of both of them, the first luncheon gong sounded. They had been talking for T. C. Horton, Editor-in-Chief "The King's Business," 536-558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, California. Dear Mr. Horton: Enclosed, find $................................... and list of five names on attached sheet of paper, to which please send The King’s Business for 6 months at the special rate of SO cents, (or if regular subscription is desired, remit at usual rate of $1.25 in U. S., or $1.50 foreign). Please send me, for securing above, copy of "Scrip­ tural Inspiration vs. Scientific Imagination,” as advertised on inside front cover. Name.......................................... ....... ............................................ ........... Address.......— .— ----------- -— e.---------;-----------------------------...........

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