King's Business - 1926-10

October 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


LOOKING FORWARD TO CHRISTMAS-------------- These book* will make »plendid presents “Best” Books that are a definite aid in the study o f _________ Prophecy Mysteries o f the Kingdom By W . C . Stevens One of the very beot of the small books on T h e Lord’ s Return,” rich in choice truth on this great ject in which everybody should be interested. Dr. L 8 . McAfee writes an introduction and in it says: You will be a better Christian when you have gone thoughtfully through this little book ; among strong points which com* •'mend it to your attention let us emphasize two: Its rev­ erent attitude toward the Bible and toward^ the entire Bible; its freedom from a controversial spirit. This age needs both of these qualities. 133 pages. Paper, 35c; Cloth, 75c His Appearing and His Kingdom A New Book By Fred Ee Hagin The Roman Empire in the Light o f Prophecy By W. E. Vine


current in that epoch of the world’s history in which it was written, and invariably found in every contemporaneous writing of this nature. Yet here, to our amazement, there is nothing savoring of childish ignorance or credulity— nothing contradicting the laborious and meticulous findings of the most learned mod­ ern science. Its alleged errors and discrepancies have been subjected to countless critical investigations, but the Bible emerges vindicated and victorious. Why then should not this supreme Document be accorded the highest honor, and be accepted as Pinal Arbiter on any question it touches? And this, not because it claims to be the utterance of God, but because, against all charges of inaccuracy, ignorance and superstition, it has indubitably proved itself historically and literally true The amanuensis who wrote in the childhood of the race, in a few score words gave to the world truths concerning the earth and its life forms, admittedly equal in general principle to the sum of modern knowledge laboriously acquired by the persistent efforts of many centuries. Man, exalted with egotism and vanity, claims much credit for the many brilliant achievements of scientific research. The Bible enunciating the momentous truth of creation without bombast or ostentation, affirms simply, "In the beginning God created,” “ God made,” "God formed;** “ God created every living thing after its kind.** In giving a definite order for the appearance of all life- forms, it throws down a bold and dauntless challenge to Science. It asks proof of fiction, fancy, falsehood or fabri­ cation; If these charges fail, it demands, not a grudging acquittal, but to be crowned with the imperial diadem of Deity. One fact, universally acknowledged by all authorities, whether skeptical or believing, stands out in the Mosaic Record. This fact is the sequence of Creation events. Here Science agrees in every detail with Genesis. This is such a remarkable display of superlative Omniscience, far in advance of the age, that it ought reasonably to stamp the Bible as unquestionably the very Word of God. A Book written with such sustained dignity and melli­ fluous precision, abounding in lightning-like phrases^—ar­ rows shot from the quiver of Infallible Wisdom— contemp­ tuously indifferent to the flippant insolence of a decadent skepticism, exhibiting the supernatural prescience of proph­ ecy, miraculously anticipating by thirty centuries the most stupendous discoveries of modern times, is not a patch- work of grotesque stupidity, Incorporating a thousand mangled delusions— a monstrous travesty of Truth— but the flawless and exalted embodiment of Omniscience, a Gift from the Master Architect and Creator of the universe. Therefore, if we recognize it as the final and Supreme Court of Appeal, in all issues between an Imperfect, emascu­ lated science, and the perplexed truth-seeker, who shall presume to question its imperishable sovereignty? jte & A Methodist Minister Wishes The K. B. Had a Million Subscribers “ Enclosed please find my check for a year’s subscrip­ tion. I think your magazine the peer of anything published in the world today. I wish it had a million subscribers. Blessings on you and your great work.” (R. E. S., California)

The well-known Evangelist, W. E. Biederaolf, says: **1 think it fortunate that we can have the whole plan of His appearing and His Kingdom set forth in such a clear and helpful way. 1 find that the average person tires quite often of many of the presen­ tations of this subject and one of the happy things about this effort is that the book is so thoroughly interesting that people will not only read it, but read it to the end and re- read it,**______ Cloth, $1.78

The ascendancy and activi­ ties of Mussolini and especially his utterances regarding the rebuilding of the Roman Em­ pire, make this book of par­ ticular interest at this time. Read this book now and watch prophecy being fulfilled. The Bible has all these future events correctly outlined— this book will help you keep track of events as they happen. Illu­ strated with maps. Boards, $1.00 Jesus Is Coming

By W . E. Blackstone This is THE textbook on the subject of the Return of the Lord. It teaches the imminent, pre-millennial, per­ sonal, visible, bodily return o f Christ, and we believe that after carefully reading this book everyone will have to admit that what the Bible teaches on this subject is abso­ lutely true and trustworthy. All Christians who desire the right outlook on life, and the right incentive to soul­ winning should come under the influence o f the teaching o f this book. Paper, SOc; Cloth, 7Sc

Jamison’ s Compre­ hensive Bible Chart Beautifully printed in seven c o lo r s , size 19x34 inches. Places before the eye the fun­ damental teachings of the whole Bible and is so arranged that any person may taka his Bible and with the aid of the chart and the booklet which accompanies it, get acquainted with the whole plan of God for this world. Especially helpful to those who wish to make a dispensations! study of the Scriptures.1 Tough bond paper, 78 cents __________ Fins map cloth, $1.28 The Patmos Vision

Forty Future Wonders o f Scripture Prophecy By Rev. M. Baxter •If you are interested in the way that history is fulfilling prophecy in these last days you will be intensely interested in this book. Its dates for the past have very largely proven true. Contains map of the old Roman Empire as it will be revived, besides o 49 other pictures, maps and dia­ grams. 544 pages. Cloth, $1.25

By George W . Davis This is the best single volume commentary on the Book of Revelations in print today. We know that that is a big statement, but the book will fully back up all that we say in its favor. It is an exceptionally well thought out book for these last days. This is not a book to be merely read and laid aside— it is a book to be studied. If you are teaching a class in prophecy you will find ’ T h e Patmos Vision” exceptionally helpful. Paper, 78c; Cloth, $1.50 If money does not accompany order, goods will be seat C. O. D. If goods are to come by mail add 10% for postage. B IO L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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