King's Business - 1926-10

October 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


= LOOKING FORWARD TO CHRISTMAS-------------- These books will make splendid presents • “Best” Books °nMissions Some very new— A ll most interesting Dragon’s End By Josephine H. Westervelt In the form of a most engaging love story the author has visualized the vast sphere for splendid investment of consecrated talent and training, 'which China as a great mission field offers. In her descriptions o f things Chi­ nese the author has done well, and in addition to its merit as a wholesome love story the book has a true spiritual and missionary message. Cloth $1.25

doctrines, nor will she ever surrender one single iota of her belief in the inerrancy of God’s infallible Word, the virgin birth of Christ, His miraculous resurrection, ascension and mediatorial work at the right hand of God, and in His com­ ing again for His saints. The old church will never surren­ der these principles, doctrines and truths. There never was a day in the history of the United States when the Presbyte­ rian Church, her polity and her doctrines were so much needed as they are today. The nation is demanding that fun­ damental Presbyterianism and the fundamental doctrines of the Presbyterian Church be preached with a fearlessness and boldness that will awake this nation. Remember, these are the great principles we enunciated at the Baltimore Assem­ bly. Let me assure the Church that those of us who have been fighting this battle will continue to fight it to the end. Let me further assure the Church that the gates, of hell shall never prevail against the Church of Jesus Christ. The fundamental cause shall triumph always. Arise, buckle on the whole armour and go forth to victory! just that little personal help that our Biola Evangelists seek to give to lead them out Into the blessed life that is in Christ Jesus. One of the devil’s awful lies by which he has deceived thousands in China is that Christians have to abandon all obligations and ministries to parents and all worship of God. Two men named Li and Koh listened to the preaching for some time and finally said to the preachers: “We have always said that the Gospel Hall was a bad place because we believed the stories that Christians must renounce both parents and God. If only we had heard such a clear state­ ment of the Gospel as you have Just now given us we would have believed in Jesus long, long ago.” Now having heard and understood the truth they gladly surrendered their hearts and lives to the Lord Jesus Christ. Let us keep on praying for our evangelists that they may have the wisdom and grace to speak just the right word to help the multitudes of groping souls out of the darkness and into the blessed light, even Jesus Christ, who said, “ I am the Light of the world.” Faithfully yours in Him, Frank A. Keller. Changsha, Hunan, China. Read about the JUNIOR ATHEIST LEAGUE on page 563, visualize what it means to YOUR children, YOUR church, YOUR country, then ACT! Send in your name AT ONCE as a Defender of the Faith, and "Ammunition” will be sent you for the battle. Name .................... ......... ...................................................... City and Street.................................................................... State ........... ....................................... -........-....................... (If possible to accompany your name with a contri­ bution, large or small, to help defray cost of postage and printing, it will be greatly appreciated, as our fund for this purpose is exhausted.) OUR BIBLE INSTITUTE IN CHINA (Continued from page 676) IT IS TIME TO AWAKE OUT OF SLEEP! The Enemy is at Your Door!

China’ s Christian Army By George T. B. Davis A new book detailing recent events in China, including "Why Gen. Feng.took Peking.' This record of General Feng and his Christian Army, writ­ ten by Mr. Davis while present with the army for almost four years, is of absorbing interest, introduction by Charles Gal- laudet Trumbull. Sixteen full page illustrations. Cloth, $1.25; Paper, 75c India Inklings By MSargaret T. Applegarth Delightful stories for little folks of life and mission work in India, in Miss Applegarth's best style. How could any youngster take his eyes from such stories a£ "Church Bell Billy Turns Into a Bookseller," or "How Grandfather Ate His Relatives," especially when il­ lustrated by the author in her own imimitable way. Cloth $1.50 By Mary Entwhietle A collection of delightful missionary stories for little children of the Primary Grade — stories that make very real the children of other lands with their queer ways of dress­ ing and living. Missionary leaders will find this volume very effective in awakening that sympathy and desire to help which develop later into the missionary spirit so es­ sential to the spread of tha Gospel. Cloth Illustrated $1.75 Little Children o f Mission Lands

Chinese Diamonds for the King of Kings A book which in the mar­ velous triumphs of grace it re­ counts« rivals those recorded in "Twice Born Men," by Har­ old Begbie, and should be in your library, your pastor’s, your Sunday School and Mis­ sionary libraries. It gives con­ clusive answers to the quesr, tion, "Do Missions Pay?" Cloth $1.00 By Howard E. Anderson India is pre-eminently a land of villages, in which the vast majority of its more than three millions live.. We catch glimpses of poverty, squalor, superstition, ignorance, suffer­ ing and sin, and then we hear one man after another from among those depressed out­ casts testifying to the saving E ower of the Christ who has een brought into their midsti the only hope of each indi­ vidual and of India. ,________ Cloth $1.25 The Law o f Apostacy in Islam By Samuel M. Zwemer Is Islam " a religion of tol­ erance," and does its "law of apostasy" demand the death of the apostate, and is this law the chief cause of the meager results from centuries of mis­ sionary work among Moslems? Dr. Zwemer explains "the law of apostasy," and he gives full evidence of just how, the law has worked and is work­ ing, and reveals the existence of multitudes of. "hidden disci­ ples," and shows why they do not come to an open confes­ sion of Christ. Cloth $2.50 Gospel Romance in the Huts of the Punjab

The Book o f Missionary Heroes By Basil Mathews

This volume of fascinating interest consisting of thirty- two stories, through which Mr. Matthews depicts with enthralling realism the thrilling adventures and daring deeds of the great heroes of sea and land who have faced perils among wild beasts and wilder men to tell o f the love of God. The author tells the immortal stories of these knights of the cross in a way that will not only com- pletly hold the interest of the youthful reader but wlil indelibly impress upon his mind the heroic character of missionary service. Cloth $1.50 If money does not accompany order, goods will be sent C. O. D If goods aro to com# by mail add 10% for postago.

B I O L A B O OK R O OM Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cel.

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