King's Business - 1926-10

October 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


■.......... LOOKING FORWARD TO CHRISTMAS----------- These Bibles will make splendid presents A Special Selection o f Bibles That we consider as particularly worthy o f your attention____________ __ Special We take great pleasure in offering two specially priced, attractively bound Bibles, to our readers. No. 5181 is a self-pronouncing, Pictorial Text Bible, bound in French Morocco, divinity circuit, round co r­ ners, red under gold edges, good clear type; has maps and questions and answers on the Old and New Testa­ ment. Size 7 !4 x 5 x l 14. Specially priced........... $3.25 No. 4181. Text Bible, bound in French Morocco, di­ vinity circuit, gilt edges, self-pronouncing, has maps and questions and answers. Price $3.10. Send for one of these Bibles. Very helpful and use­ ful for Sunday School scholars. Three Good Red Letter Bibles No. X62R. Red letter, pictorial self-pronouncing, clear type Bible, with concordance and maps. Leather bound, divinity cir­ cuit. Size 754x5 54*1 54* Price $3.00 With patent thumb index $3.50 No. 8 12X RL. Self-pro­

Faith in all its purity, I consider that it is incumbent upon every Bible-belleving Christian to withdraw support from every Board that does not undertake to withdraw Modernist missionaries from the foreign field. The late Rev. W. H. Griffith Thomas, D.D., in writing to a friend of missions regarding these sad conditions, said: “ I can, of coursp, only speak for myself; but certainly no money of mine, or of my church, if I had one, would go to any work of which I was in doubt," May God the Holy Spirit graciously guard every true believer from taking the least part in helping to spread the deadly teachings of this fearful apostasy, and may He keep us all from contributing to the support of any who are not true in every regard to the "Faith once for all delivered unto the saints." STUDENTS and PUPILS in YOUR LOCALITY to be CIR­ CULARIZED!” Can you visualize what this means? THOUSANDS OF YOUNG PEOPLE, banded together in this unholy fraternity, wearing the badge of "DAMNED SOULS” ( ! ) , ready to damn the Bible, damn those who preach and teach it, and damn all authority? If you do not have an awful realiza­ tion of what this means to our country, then you have no vision. But if you do, then rally to the standard, resist the devil and put him to rout! God calls! Christ calls! The Holy Spirit calls! Every loyal father and mother calls! Let every member of The King’s Business Family respond N O W ! Enlist as a Defender of the Faith, using the coupon on page 610, and resolve, in this time of crisis, to give the utmost limit of your time, your talents and your money to awaken and arouse your friends to the seriousness of the situation and secure their fellowship and cooperation. These Bible-denouncers, Home-destroyers, Qhurch-dis- rupters, Nation-demolishers, boast of the funds that are being contributed to defray the cost of their dastardly deeds, and of their literature which is being profusely distributed. In order to stem the tide and save our young people, our homes and our country, sound Gospel literature must be quickly provided and broadcasted by citizens, churches and Christian organizations everywhere. Plead with your pastor to defend the Bible! Plead with your Sunday School Superintendent to magnify the truth of God’s Word! Plead with those who have means to give it for the dis­ tribution of Gospels and Gospel literature among young and old! Pray without ceasing, and God may answer by bringing to pass a real revival of real religion.— T.C.H. ^¡4. Jifc M ¡¿t A Denver Business Man Appreciates The K. B. and “ Boosts" for It "In our home we receive The King’s Business regularly, and it has been an inspiration as well as a great help to us all in the study of the Word. It is much appreciated by us, as well as by the many kind friends to whom we have been privileged to speak concerning it— many of whom later become subscribers." (J. D. H., Denver, Colorado) THE AIM OF THE A .A .A .A . (Continued from page 563)

No. 126. Red letter art edi­ tion, large clear type, self­ pronouncing, with references and concordance, illustrated. Bound in leather divinity cir­ cuit, red under gold edges. Size 8x6x1 %. Specially priced $4.50

nouncing teachers Bible in large open type, easy to read. With references ana concord­ ance, maps, authoritative helps with words of Christ in red letters. India paper, leather bound, divinity circuit gilt edges, size 8x5 54x1 54* Priced right at $11.20

Teacher’ s Bibles No. L 113X. An unbreakable back, genuine Morocco, divinity circuit, Teachers Bible, with gilt edges, good black faced jasper type, maps, references, and concord­ ance. A handy compact Bible for teachers or students. Size 7 x 4 1 f/g. ' Specially Priced $8.00

No. X52. Teachers Bible— has 16 colored plates, 32 duo- tone plates, maps, nonpariel type, self-pronouncing, concor­ dance, bound in leather di­ vinity circuit, red under sold edges. Size 754x554x154 Spe­ cial Price $2.75. No. R73X. A self-pronounc­ ing Teacher’s Bible with ref­ erences and concordance, un­ breakable back, bound in gen­ uine Morocco, divinity circuit, gilt edges, long primer type, size 854x6x1 54• A well made very readable Bible. Special Price. $10.00

No. 04450. A serviceable Sunday School Teachers Bible bound in half-Morocco, library style. Minion 16 Mo. type, size 7Hx5x 154. Contains Oxford cyclopedic, concordance, maps and references. Price $4.00 No. 0I7OX. Teachers Bible with references and concord­ ance, «elf-pronouncing, clear Nu-type, India paper, maps, bound in Morocco, divinity cir­ cuit, gilt edges, size 7%x554x 1 %. Price. $7.00

Text Bibles No. H23X. An unbreakable back, India Paper Text Bible, bound in genuine levant, straight edges, gilt. Good clear type, size 5 f ^ x 3 f ^ x f . Special Price $5.00

No. 210. This Text Bible' leather bound, divinity circuit, red edges, minion type. Size 754x5x154* la a real bargain at $2.50 No. H28X. An unbreakable back, clear type Text Bible, bound in Persian Morocco, di­ vinity circuit, gold lines or trimmings, India Paper, gilt edges. Size 5%x3 %xl. Price $8.00

No. 01325. This Text Bible is bound in keratol divinity cir­ cuit, round corners, red under sold edges. Size 6x4x 154• Minion Type. Special Price. $2.00 No. H25)£. Text Bible bound in Persian Morocco divinity circuit, good clear type, India paper, unbreakable back. A Docket Bible, only 5%x3 %x 1. Specially priced. $5.25

All Bibles delivered postpaid If money does not accompany order, goods will be sent C. O. D.

B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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