King's Business - 1926-10


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

October 1926

WHEN THE INFIDEL PRAYED A missionary traveling through the Canadian backwoods lost his way, but presently was rejoicing to see a large con­ gregation of settlers gathered around a fire listening to an able discourse, but to the horror of the missionary he found the orator trying to prove there was no God, no heaven, no hell, and no eternity. As the man ceased, the missionary stood up and said: “ My friends, I am not going to make a long speech to you, for I am tired, but- I will tell you a little story. A few weeks ago I was walking on the banks of the river not far from here. I heard a cry of distress, and to my horror I saw a canoe drifting down the stream and nearing the rapids. There was a single man In the boat. “ In a short time he would be near the waterfall, and be gone. He saw his danger, and I heard him scream, ‘Oh, God, If I must lose my life, have mercy on my soul.’ I plunged into the water and reached the canoe. I dragged It to land and saved him. The man whom I heard when he thought no one was near, praying to God to have mercy 1on his soul, is the man who has Just addressed you, telling you that he believes there is neither God, nor heaven, nor hell, nor eternity.”— Rescue Journal.

= = LOOKING FORWARD TO CHRISTMAS-------- — These Bibles will make splendid presents A Special Selection o f Bibles That we consider as particularly worthy of your attention Reference Bibles No. 03219 X . An Oxford Reference Bible printed from black faced minion type on Genuine Oxford India Paper. Bound in French M orocco leather, divinity circuit, silk sewed, red under gold edge, size 7J/£x5x1. Special price. $7.50

No. N73X. A splendid bre­ vier type Reference Bible with maps, bound in genuine mo­ rocco divinity circuit, un­ breakable back, India paper, size 7^4x5x1 Special Price $8.50 No. X. Large type Refer­ ence Bible. The words of Christ are printed in red, contains maps, aids to Bible study, sy­ nopsis of each book, bound in leather, canvass lined, size 8x 5%xl %. Special Price $4.00 No. 407. Is a real good Self- Pronouncing Reference Bible on genuine India paper, good clear type, leather bound, di­ vinity circuit, gilt edges. Size 7%x5 %x 1%. Specifff p r i c e $5.50

No. 03247X. A genuine India paper nonparariel Reference Bible. Size 6%x4% x% •Bound in real pigskin, divinity cir­ cuit, red edges, silk sewed. Special price $7.50 No. 03215X. A very good Reference Bible, bound in Le­ vant Morocco, divinity circuit, calf lined to edge, silk sewed, round corners, red under gold edges. Minion type. Size 7Vfcx 5x1. Price $11.00 No.. R70X. A gilt edged di­ vinity circuit Bible, bound in French Levant, with I n d i a Paper and a large, good clear type, references and maps, un­ breakable back binding. Size 8x6x1 K . Price $10.00

Six Good American Revised Bibles No. 31 72. Th i. Bible ii known a , Campbell Morgan', Analyzed Bible* It contain, a brief but very helpful analyai, o f each book of the Bible, with splendid refer­ ence,. Printed from, large clear type, bound in French Morocco, divinity circuit, gilt edges. Sixe S xD y ix i yi» Price $5.00. Can also be aupplied in India Paper edition, bound in real Morocco for $®.B0

No. 274X. A good long Pri­ mer type, reference B ib la. bound in genuine Morocco, di­ vinity circuit, gilt edges. A splendid Bible for home or pul­ pit use. Size 9x6% xl. Price $11.00. No. 273X. Another g o o d long primer reference Bible, Indie Paper, Persian Morocco, divinity circuit, gilt edge. Size 9x6%x 1. Price $9.00

No. 15IX. Bound in green leather, divinity circuit, gilt edge«, size 7%x5x%. A good reference Bible, black faced type, s e lf pronouncing. Price $5.00 No. I74X. A divinity cir­ cuit. genuine morocco refer­ ence Bible. Good large, clear type. India Paper. One of the best American Standard Bible«. Size 8x5%xl. Only $10X0

Five exceptionally large clear type, ea»ily read Bible,. One of theae Bible, ahould be in the hand, of every one who ha, any trouble with their viaion. No A1790 is a divinity circuit, leather bound India paper, text Bible with gilt-edges, size BHxSHxl. Reasonably priced at $6.75

No. XTX. Is a divinity cir­ cuit. text Bible printed in large type, on India paper. Size 8xox 1%. Very reasonable at $15.00 No. XT. Is a cloth bound, straight edged, text Bible, size 6x6x2. Very good type. Price $5.00

No. 352. Is a leather bound, limp, self-pronouncing refer­ ence Bible, with maps and family register. Size 9% x6%x 1 1 4 . Good value at $4.50 No. 353. Contains family register and maps, nouncing, reference Bible, di­ vinity circuit, leather bound. Size 9 f t x6%x lK . Reasonably priced at $6.00

All Bibles delivered postpaid If money doe. not accompany order, goods will be sent C. O. D. b i o l a b o o k r o o m Bible Institute, Lo» Angele«, Cel.

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