King's Business - 1926-10

as you arc reading this, of the thousands of other members of The King s Busi­ ness Family who are reading it also . . a mighty h o s t . . North, South, East and West . . bound together in Christian fellowship. STEP BY STEP . . ' by God’ s gracious help, we have been able to make T H E K I N G ’ S B U S IN E S S BETTER'AND BETTER - . but have kept the price much lower than that o f many similar publications of the same size and number of pages, some o f which charge as much as $-.00 per year, whereas The King’ s Business is only $1.25 . . a little more than the price o f one postage stamp a Week. MEDITATE A MOMENT . . on what The King’ s Business has meant to YOU! Read what the Baptwtgg ' tor in Virginia says on page 577 , and then think o f the thousands of UTtlEK pastors, teachers, Christian workers, and just plain, ordinary^ Christians, who OUGHT to have it and WOULD have it, if they only KNEW about it. Then READ ABOUT THE JUNIOR ATHEIST LEAGUE . . which has just been organized to “ CONVERT THE RISING GENERATION TO ATHEISM on page 563 . Notice they say frankly that unless they “ proselyte the children they will not succeed in their dastardly design to wreck our civilization. SHALL WE SLEEP WHILE THEY SLAY THE SOULS OF OUR CHILDREN? THE KING’S BUSINESS . . _ . will keep you informed as to the Satanic schemes of these home d*stroy«rs and nation demo - ishers, and for that reason, if for no other, it should be in the hands of every loyal citizen. DO YOUR PART . . You can secure at least one new subscriber, and some of our faithful members have secured many. Commence right away! Show this copy of The King s Business to them to read the article on page 563 , and then send to us for sample copies, subscription blanks, attractive advertising matter, etc. Use the mails to reach some, and REMEMBER ■ “ If the watchman blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned * * * his blood will I require at the watchman’s hand.”—Ezekiel 33 : 6 .. SPECIAL OFFER" ^ ForneWsubscribersWC will include the Novem' I ber and December issues in the 1927 subscription price, giving you the I fourteen issues for $1.25 ($1.50 foreign.) j S TAR T » T ONCE »H P SECURE » 8 MANY AS POSSIBLE THE KING’S BUSINESS 556-558 SOUTH HOPE STREET LOS ANGELES, CAUFORNIA P U B L IS H E D BY T H E B IB L E I N S T I T U T E O F L O S A N O E L E S . CHAS. a. HUBLBUBT. su pt

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