King's Business - 1926-10


Octòber 1926

T H E . K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

Were Christ here would He make a whip of wrath and scourge them from the pulpit, or would He com­ mend them as brethren? Bead again these verses in the Gospel of John and pray over them. Has Christ changed? Was the court of the temple more sacred to Him than the places where worship is carried on in His name today? It is possible to hoodwink really honest and sincere people, and we pity them. But the sorrow of sorrows is the coming judgment upon those preachers who be­ tray their trust and, worst of all, the terrible conse­ quences upon young and old who are deceived and de­ graded by that betrayal. The Whip of Wrath is still in His hand. He is the

you visualize our Lord,—Maker of Heaven and earth in human form,—looking upon those greedy men who are taking advantage of the feast as an opportunity to make money and thus violating the sanctity of the House of God by making it a den of thieves? “ And when He had made a scourge of small cords, He drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers’ money, and overthrew the tables.” Make your own picture! Taking a stick and cords and weaving them into a whip, bending over to com­ plete the task. See Him rise up and with the whip drive the money-changers—with sheep and oxen—out o f the temple, pour out the money and overthrow the tables! Then remember that

s ame , yesterday, to­ day and forever—The God o f Love and the God of Wrath. MAGNIFYING MAN OR MINIFY­ ING CHRIST We p r e s u m e Mr. Pace intended this car­ toon to depict man as he views himself and he has certainly suc- c e e d e d well. T h e Modernist movement has afforded an oppor­ tunity for men to4 be­ come ^very much puff­ ed up in their own con­ ceit. This is perfectly natural for the natural man, but it is unfor­ tunate for the sup­ posedly “ spiritual” man, for as man is magnified, God is min­ ified. The Word of God is full of examples of this truth and those of us who h a v e h a d lengthened experience in Christian work have

this was His first pub­ lic appearance — His inauguration as t h e King of the Jews, ful­ filling the prophecy of Malachi: “ My messenger,* • • shall suddenly come to his temple • • • But who may abide His coming * * * for * * • He shall sit like a refiner and purifier of silver; and He shall purify the sons of Levi.” This is the Messiah! How m a n y sugges­ tions come sweeping into the mind! Com- p a r e this with the marriage scene. Love and wrath are in con­ trast. He is a God of Love. He is a God of Wrath. He is the God of Law, and “ the law worketh wrath.’ ’ Violation of God’s law is always attend­ ed by suffering. We need in these days to face t h e formidable facts which are made plain in the history of

also seen many sad illustrations, and know full well that it is the result of that sinful nature which we inherited from Adam. We have seen Mr. Pace’s friend many, many times. Starting with a little puff of success and popularity, and possessing much empty space for expansion, men have developed remarkably soon and to extraordinary size. The Word o f God humbles man to the dust, and when we allow it to have its perfect work in us we are ready to exclaim with Paul, “ 0, wretched man that I am !” But Modernism fills the Bible with question marks, lowers Christ to the place of a mere man, and exalts man to higher and higher heights; and the Mod-' emist preacher, puffed to ponderous dimensions, adorns bis sentences with gems of philosophy, metaphysics and poetry and seeks to ease the consciences of his hear­ ers with reference to sin by fanciful and winsome words. He is not versed in the Bible, but he uses verses

the Jews and of the church. Our bodies are His temples now, and are indwelt by the Holy Spirit. They are sacred. We are highly honored by His presence. We should keep His temple clean. The church is composed of believers. Church build­ ings are supposed to be places of worship. There should be no place there for the money changers. The last half century has greatly changed the aspect of church edi­ fices and we do not now approach them with much of holy reverence, as places of worship. Follow the advertisements in the Saturday papers. Are they not catchy? Have they not drawing power? But go and listen to some of these—so-called—“ evan­ gelical preachers” who deny the Virgin Birth o f our Lord and His blood atonement. Are they not guilty of a greater sin than that of the money-changers? And yet some poor, deluded people pay as much as a thou­ sand dollars a month for the privilege of hearing charming “ sermonettes” from such beguiling, soul- destroying money-changers!

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