Skee-Ball Premium+ Full Service Manual


The main board is located in the top rear of the game.

Instructions to open electronic area: Unplug the game from the wall.

Remove the 4 screws from the top cover using the #2 square bit included in the hardware kit. (Part # A5DBSQ020)

Remove the top cover to access the electronic area.

Place the new board next to the old board and swap cables one at a time from the old board to the new board.

These phone cables must go into the correct locations, or the game will score incorrectly.

Adjust Menu Option: The debounce must be set to match your version of score sensors. If the scoring switches in your game has mechanical switches with paddles, the de- bounce must be set to 60. If the scoring switches in your game has electronic opto boards, the debounce must be set to 20.

To access the debounce menu: Press and hold the “Start” button on the lane cover for 10 seconds.

The screen will show the software version.

Press the volume button to cycle through the debounce options: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, & 60

The correct setting for electric optos switches is 20.

The correct setting for mechanical switches is 60. This menu will exit automatically after 7 seconds.


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