Power switch is located on the top of the game.
After 40 seconds of loading, the program will start.
10 volume levels to select from.
Can play with up to 6 players: Accent color will change with each player: Red, Yellow, White, Blue, Purple, Green
Player rolls balls up the ramp and optos in the holes will score points.
If a ball misses the targets, it will roll into a “Gutter switch” and will score a zero.
6 game play options to choose from:
Classic: Each player rolls 9 balls to try to get the highest score.
Three Ball: The “Classic 9 ball game, but with each player rolling 3 balls per round - alter- nating players until all 9 balls thrown.
Lightem Up: Each player rolls 3 balls per round, try to light up all 6 targets.
Speed: Roll as many balls as you can in 60 seconds to try to get the highest score.
BlackJack: Score 21 points without going over. The game will assign a random initial card. 10 point hole = A (could be 1 or 11)
20 point hole = 2 30 point hole = 3 40 point hole = 4 50 point hole = 5 100 point hole = 10 Multiple players alternate 1 ball at a time.
Countdown: Darts anyone? Players start at 310, and roll 3 balls per round. First one to zero - wins!
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