Tm: Tn.n:
denied the power thereof" (II Tim. 5:1-3)• These words present to us a remarkably ac curate picture of our own time. If one should take up in detail each item in Paul's charac terization of the last days, he would find it marvelously fulfilled in our own day. This naturally leads many to suppose that the Lord's coming is very near at hand. How ever, we should always bear in mind that earnest men of God and students of the Bible have often thought in by-gone days that the coming of the Lord was very near. Luther, for example, thought this centuries ago. These men of the past were not mis taken. The Return of our Lord was very near. Those who were mistaken were those who thought it so far away that they let it have no effect upon their lives. But at the present time, the multiplied iniquities of our day, the apostasy into damning error and unbelief of many professed and hitherto ap parently sincere Christians, and of many professedly evangelical preachers, and of numerous professors of theology in semin aries built at great sacrifice by orthodox men and women for the promulgation of truth and not for the breeding of error, the in crease of lawlessness on the part of great
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