us watch. I was once talking with a friend who believed that the tribulation must come before our Lord could come, and I asked him how we could be watching and looking for our Lord if we knew that He could not come for some years yet, namely until after the tribulation had come. He replied, there was "no psychological difficulty at all." But there is a psychological difficulty. It is an absolute impossibility_ for an intelligent man to be watching for an event that he knows cannot occur for some years. So it is evi dent from the clear teaching of our Jesus Himself that the coming of our Lord must be an event that, as far as we know, may occur at any moment. There is no event pre dicted in Scripture, and no series of events, that must occur before our Lord Jesus comes to receive His own unto Himself. It is true there are events that must occur before He comes to the earth with His saints (II Thess. 2), but He may come for us, as far as ~e know, at any moment and it stands us m hand to be always ready, ''For in such an hour as ye think not, the Son of man cometh.'' But some one will say, "Is not the world to be converted before Jesus Christ comes f ''
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