
Tm: Toa


say in Col. 1 :23, ''The hope of the Gospel which ye heard, which was preached in all c1·eation under heaven." (3.) In the third place, Matt. 24 :44, tells us that the gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world, and "then shall the end come.'' The coming of Jesus Christ to receive His own is not the end. It is but the beginning of the end. But some one will ask, '' If the Lord Jesus may come at any moment how can we ex­ plain II Thess. 2:14, "Now we beseech you, brethren, touching the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and our gathering unto him; to the end that ye be not quickly shaken from your mind, nor yet be troubled, either by spirit, or by word, or by epistle as from us, as that the day of the Lord is just at band (literally "now present," as in English Re­ vised Version); let no man beguile you in any wise; for it will not be except the falling away come ·fi?-st, and the man of sin be re­ vealed, the son of perdition, be that op­ ~oseth and exalteth himself against all that 1s called God or tl>at is worshipped· so that he sitteth in the temple of God, setting him­ self forth as God.'' The answer to this is very simple. It _is true that the man of sin

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