self. I once beard one who had been widely proclaimed as a teacher of advanced truth say that there was a time when he was great ly interested in the Second Coming of Christ, but that of late years he had been so taken up with the glory of the indwelling Christ that he had lost interest in the thought of His return. This utterance was thoroughly unscriptural. To me it is incomprehensible on the part of one who really knows the truth about the Return of our Lord. It is well to preach the present privileges of the indwell ing Christ, but there is something better than even this, our Lord Himself is coming; we shall see HIM; we shall be caught up to meet HIM; we shall be ever with HIM. And if it is Himself we love and not merely His gifts, no joy and victory that we may know through the indwelling Christ will satisfy the deepest longings of our soul. W c shall long for Him self and for that fulness of fellowship with Him that we shall only know when He Him self comes again. There is a crown awaiting those who "love His appearing." It is doubtful if there ever was a believer on this earth who knew more experimentally about the glory of the indwelling Christ than the Apostle Paul, yet one of the last things he
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