wrote was, ''Henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the ~ord, the righteous judge shall give to me m that day; and not to me only, but also to al~ them that have loved his appearing" (II Tun. 4 :8). May I put a plain question to you, Are you longing for Christ's return? If you are not, you may be sure there is something wrong about your life somewhere, or about your relations to· your Lord. 01g Lord Jesus is coming again--precious words I How they ought to thrill our hearts I How they do thrill our hearts I How they ought to lead us ·to inquire diligently lest there be anything in us that will grieve Him at His coming. How they ought to make our hearts burn with the desire to do more and to use our talents more faithfully while He tarries. THE LORD JESUS IS COM ING/ How small these words make the world with its gain and its loss, its pomp and its pride, its pleasure and its pain, its praise and its blame, to appear. OUR LORD JESUS IS COMING I How these words should make us eager to bring our friends to Christ at once lest they be "left" at His coming. OUR LORD JESUS IS COMING! Yes, He is coming, perhaps this year; perhaps this
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