


11. To Deliver Israel in the Day When his Trials and Suft'erings shall Culminate. Zech. 14:1-15. 12. To Gather together the Outcasts of Israel. Zeeb. 8:1-8. 13. To Deliver Israel and Turn Away Ungodliness from Jacob. Rom. 11:25-32; Is. 59:15-21. 14. To Sit as a Refiner and Purifier of Silver. Mal. 3:1-3. 16. To Punish the Inhabitants of the Earth for their Iniquity. Is. 26:20, 21; Jude 14, 16. 16. To Render Vengeance to them that know not God and to them that Obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. II Thess. 1: 7-9. 17. To Slay the Lawless One with the Breath of His Mouth and to Bring him to Naught. II Thees. 2:8, 9; Rev. 19:19-21. 18. To Establish a Universal Reign of Righteous­ ness and Godliness upon Earth. Is. 11:1-10. IV. The Results of Christ's Coming Again. (Note. The results of Christ's coming again run parallel to the purposes of His coming again, but some passages are better classified under the purposes and others under the results).

1. AS REGARDS GOD. The ·glory of Jehovah shall be revealed and all flesh shall see It together. Is. 40: 3-5, 9-11.

2. AS REGARDS THE CHURCH. (1). The dead In Christ shall rise. I Thees. 4: 16; II Cor. 5: 1-8. (2) The bodies of believers shall be transformed into the likeness of the body of His glory. Phil. 3: 20, 21; Rom. 8: 23-26.

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