


(7). Israel shall be cleansed from all their filthiness, and from all their idols, a new heart will be given them and a new spirit put within them; the stony heart shall be taken away from them and they shall be given a heart of flesh. God will put His Spirit within them and cause them to walk in His statutes and they shall keep His judgments and do them. Ezek. 37: 23-28; 36: 25-31; Jer. 31:31-34. (8). Israel shall be wondrously multiplied and the, waste and desolate and ruined cities shall be rebuilt and the desolate land made like the Garden of Eden. Jerusalem shall be called the City of Truth and shall be filled with peace, prosperity and happiness. Ezek. 36:37, 38; Jer. 31:27, 28; Ezek. 36:33-37; Zech. 8:1-5; Is. 1:24-27; 4:2-6; 25:6-9; 26:1-21; 29:17-24; 44:1-8; 66:5-24. (9). Israel shall be greatly exalted above the nations. Zech. 8: 20-23; 2: 8-13; Is. 49: 22, 23; 2: 1-4; 66:20. (10). Israel shall go forth to the nations as preach­ ers of the glory of Jehovah. Is. 66: 18, 19. 4. AS REGARDS THE NATIONS AND UNREGENERATE INDIVIDUALS. (1). All the tribes of the earth shall mourn over Him. Matt. 24:30; Rev. 1:7. (2). The kings of the earth and the great of the nations shall hide themselves and call to the moun­ tains and to the rocks to fall on them and hide them from the face of Him who sitteth on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb. Rev. 6:16-17. (3). The nations then living upon the earth shall be gathered together before Him tor judgment. Matt. 26: 31-46. (At the end or the Mlllenlal reign those who had no part In the first resurrection shall be raised and sha_ll be Judged at the judgment of the Great White Throne. Rev. 20:11-16). (4) The residue of men and all the nations upon who~ Jehovah's name Is called will seek after the

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