(9). The final end {ro·r which the coming-of the Lord is a preparation) will not come until the Gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a .witness unto all the nations. ).VIatt. 24:14. VI. The True Attitude Toward Christ's Com ing Again. (1). We should be ready for His coming. Matt. 24:44; Luke 21 :34-36; Matt. 25:1-30; I John 2:28. (2). We should be looking and watching· for the coming of our Lord. Luke 12:36, 37; Heb. 9:28. (3). We should earnestly desire the coming ot our Lord. II Pet. 3:12, 13; II Tim. 4: 8. (4). We should pray. for our Lord's coming. Rev. 22:20. (5) . We should preach the Second Coming of Christ. I Thess. 4: 18.
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