


coming? for, from the day that the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the begin.Ling of the creation'' (II Pet. 3:3, 4). A worldly Church and worldly Christians join with these mockers in their hatred of this truth. As a bride who is flirt­ ing with other men does not long for the re­ turn of her absent husband, so the faithless bride of Christ, who is flirting with the world does not long for the return of her Lord. But for the believer whose affections are all fixed upon Jesus Christ the Word of God contains no other promise so precious as the promise that He is quickly coming again. Our atti­ tude toward the Coming Again of Jesus Christ is a good index of our spiritual state. The fact that our Lord Jesus is coming again is the great Bible argument for a life of watchfulness, fidelity, wisdom, activity, simplicity, self-restraint, prayer and abiding in Christ. During the last week of His earth­ ly life, our Lord said to His disciples, ''There­ fore be ye also ready; for in an hour that ye think not the son of man cometh,, (Matt. 24 :44). In our day we are constantly urging men to be ready because death may overtake them at any moment, but this was not the ar­ gument that our Lord Jesus used. It was

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