ask ourselves whether we are really looking, watching, waiting for Him. · It is evident from what has been said above, that the truth of our Lord's Second Coming is a truth of the very first importance. To many the doctrine of the Second Coming of Christ seems like an impractical doctrine. I once so regarded it. In my early ministry, one of my members came to me and asked if I would speak upon the Second Coming of Christ. I knew nothing about the doctrine and put him off, thinking to myself, "You will be a much older man than you are now before I speak upon a doctrine so impractical.'' But the day came when I found it was not only one of the most precious but also one of the most prac tical doctrines in the whole Bible. There have been four marked epochs in my Christian experience: First, When I came to know the Lord J' esus as my personal Saviour and my Lord. Second, When I discovered that the Bible was indeed the inerrant Word ·of God, that its statements were absolutely reliable in every respect, and that everything any man needed to know was contained in this one Book. Third, When I learned that the bap tism with the Holy Spirit was for the present day and claimed it for myself. And Fourth,
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